You will be 115 miles from us in Poinciana, Florida.
Matt & Bella
Until when you are at this place. September 26 will be driving to Orlando. If you are around, we can have a drink
I would like to meet you Vanessa. I am coming to Europe next month. Have some free time trying to fill. Also perhaps travel and can meet you.
I will be in Paris France just for fun October 27. Any body for tourism or fun?
Meet Up with Granda Vivian if given the opportunity. Matt and I chatted with her in Central Florida. She is interesting, patient, and fun.
Sure. I am in Florida end March. Now Europe with canceled sit. Than Canada. Than back Florida. Anytime. I love to be social butterfly and meet with people.
ALOHA! I’m Leaving for Hawaii tomorrow until 11/19. If anyone wants to meet up, pls let me know!!
Hi Angela. Was this ever done?
After three years of tries, finally I have found a sitting in NYC for Thanksgiving! Will there be other sitters in town to share a good meal with?? I travel alone and would love tasting the traditional American dinner!
Hi Marina, Welcome to our Community Forum and a huge CONGRATULATIONS you must be so excited!! Where will you traveling from and what pets are you going to be sharing Thanksgiving with and it would be great to be able to meet up with other members too.
New York is amazing and what a time to be there Macy’s Parade and so many other Thanksgiving traditions and this year they will push the boat right out I’m sure.
Please keep us updated and we can’t wait to share in your 3 year wait pet sitting experience … that is patience and determination, well done, I hope you get to share a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, complete with pumpkin pie.
Enjoy being here on the forum and connecting with our members from around the world.
Angela & The Team
Hi Angela,
I’m from Rome and I’m going to look after 2 cats in a lovely house in Brooklyn! This will be my 15th sitting, the first one in the USA, really unexpected after some many tries. I’ll keep you posted!
Amazing @Marina it sounds wonderful … my first NY sit was 6 weeks in Manhattan with two adorable dogs and one cat we had a wonderful time and I’ve since sat for the owners (now very dear friends) seven times, they now have a lovely home in San Diego CA and a new puppy.
Rome is an incredible city too and what a contrast to New York. Safe travels
Hi Marina,
The good news about Thanksgiving is that it’s a more “open” and welcoming holiday than, say, Christmas. It’s easier to get invitations to people’s celebrations–often deemed “Friendsgiving”! This close to the day, I suggest joining Facebook groups for that particular neighborhood in Brooklyn. Regardless, it should be easy to find a nice meal out somewhere, and a festive atmosphere. And there should be tons to do while you are there.
Thank you!
Hi Katie
thank x the good advice!
I just returned from a vacation in Mexico and much to my surprise met another member of Trusted Housesitters from the same city as me! Another lady and myself were chatting in the resort pool and she was telling me about her much loved pooch. I asked who was looking after her dog and she said she belonged to the most wonderful organization and always found great sitters. Much to our surprise, we both belonged to Trusted Housesitters and I had seen her listing just prior to me leaving for my vacation! It’s the second time on a holiday I’ve met another member.
January 12 Vancouver. Who is here? Perhaps
Matt and I look forward to dog sitting over the holidays on Florida’s east coast near Daytona Beach. We would enjoy meeting up with fellow travelers. Let us know if you are in the area. : )
We will probably be in Sarasota, Florida 4-12 January 2022.
I met Annette today in Vancouver. It was great. I wish, we can do at least once a year a convention. We can meet a lot if us each other, discuss and have couple days together. In a less expensive country.
Enjoyed our chat over coffee yesterday - safe travels home today!