I received an invite for a sit for someone I have previously sat for so it would be a repeat sit. I clicked the apply button on the page the message sent me to (not on the listing page itself) and it shows on my dashboard as a sit I have applied for.
Meanwhile on the listing it shows there are 4 applications so don’t know if mine is one of those or whether I should be doing the usual application process? Can anyone advise please?
In my experience, applications sent upon an invitation are a completely separate communication stream. Your application will NOT be included in the 5.
If you want to do the Sit and have the Owner’s phone number, you should call or text them also.
HO perspective: By hitting apply you told the HO you are available and interested in doing those dates – just as if you’d applied to a public post.
You aren’t counted with the 4 sitters who responded publicly. It’s possible the HO sent many invitations out to previous sitters just to see if anyone was interested and this is still competitive. It’s also possible the HO isn’t thrilled with those applicants and was waiting to get your repoly.
If you haven’t already contacted the HO do so. Say hello. Let them know how happy you’d be to see ________ again etc. You can ask if they want to do chat or have any questions for you or changes you should know about since last time, but definitely let them know if you are willing to accept the sit. The ball is in their court again. The sit isn’t confirmed till both parties agree.
Thanks. I have already accepted and done all that you suggest via the online message system so will just wait and see. It shows as “read” so guess they are making up their minds.
Thanks. I have already messaged them via the online system and my message is showing as read so I will wait for their response.
I might check with them if you aren’t confirmed soon as some HOs don’t even understand the private invite system and I’ve read about sits happening that were never actually confirmed.
The steps are: (1) HO sends private invitations – possibly to multiple people (2) Sitter responds by accepting. (3) HO confirms sitter. (4) Sitter confirms.
At step 4 the HO no longer needs a sitter because the sit has been confirmed. The other sitters who applied all see they have been declined.
That is what I thought happened so we’re waiting on step 3. To be honest the first sit we did for them they took an age to finally confirm the sit so I’ll chase them if I don’t hear soon.