This is our first time posting a sit. Unfortunately, we thought we had locked in a sitter, but the applicant backed out. I want to confirm the process so I am clear when a sitter has definitively accepted. When we received an application we liked, we set up a call, met the sitter and confirmed her application. I thought it was locked in at that point. However, is the next step for the sitter to definitively accept the sit and that’s when it is confirmed and the sit deleted from the active listing? (Unfortunately, that step did not happen).
Is there anyway to get a second boost on a listing?
Is there any way to send a group message to those parties who have saved your listing?
Thanks so much for the clarification for a newbie.
Here’s a TrustedHousesitters webpage that will help you understand the steps: How do I confirm a sitter?
A standard or premium membership allows you to boost your listing once.
I don’t have access to what an owner sees (I’m a sitter), but perhaps an owner member can help you with that question. I did search the help section on the website but didn’t find any reference to doing that.
Hello @apierlioni and sorry to hear you had some confusion over your sitter accepting. @Snowbird has passed on information that hopefully clarifies that for you now, as well as detail on boosting, which is dependent on your membership level.
For item 3 on your list, yes, you can send a group message which is done from your dashboardinbox. For sitters and owners it’s in the same place. I’ve attached a screenshot below to help:
Hope between us we’ve answered all your questions, but if anything still needs clarifying don’t hesitate to reach out and I hope you secure a new sitter very soon! Have a lovely weekend, Vanessa and the forum team
We would usually only apply to one listing at a time and confirm a sit after a video call, but other sitters will apply to multiple listings at the same time and might reconsider their application after a video call. Some HOs will also interview multiple sitters before they make a decision.
Hi @apierlioni , you are correct in what you say. The video call is a stage when you have read the application and then meet the sitter ‘in person’ to discuss further.
The video call is also for the sitter to get a better understanding of all aspects of the sit.
If, after the video call, you think the sitter is a good fit then you confirm your acceptance of the application - it is then for the sitters to accept or decline your confirmation - only if they accept is the booking confirmed.
Thank you for responding to my questions. Yes, I did see the send a group message option in my inbox. However, I was wondering if there was a way to send a group message to those who have saved our sit or at least select several from those who have saved our sit. These folks are not necessarily ones with whom we have previously corresponded so they would not be in my inbox. If this is not currently an option, it may be a useful one to consider adding in the future.
@apierlioni I think the only filters you can apply are the from the “LABELS” you’ve applied or selectively from the list of people in your inbox. You can select FAVOURITES and group message them also, but I don’t think that’s what you are asking?
It’s a good suggestion you make and I will feed this back to the user experience teams for future consideration.
In the meantime, I’m adding a further screenshot here, for anyone new who stumbles across this thread and wants to know the process you are asking about more generally, i.e. how to group message.
Sorry I don’t have a more pro-active solution for you.