Is it just me? (most likely!)

Hello everyone! Lisa here… pretty new to the site, although I toyed with the idea 10 year ago.

I’ve applied to many sits and am getting a big bamboozled ---- I’m keeping pretty good notes, but my mail box seems confusing to me.

Is there an " APPLICATION SENT " tab that I’m just not seeing? Gosh that sure would be helpful if not!

Also, I’ve clicked on “new sits in your area” and seen that I’ve “liked” one of two already —so… I’m guessing that they’re not THAT new?

Please any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Thanks y’all!


Hello @Texanlisakay Welcome to the forum community, it’s lovely to have you here :slight_smile:

Please do not worry, you are not alone in getting used to using the platform as a new member. I can help you with a few pointers and you will be well on your way!

When you send an application, They get automatically sent when you click the ‘send’ button, so as long as you can see the message in your inbox that has been sent.

If you click on the member’s name in your inbox it will open your application/message with them.

There will be a little grey or green envelope in the bottom right corner of your message and green means your message has been read and grey means it has been sent but not yet read by the other member.

If you use this link to the help desk it has several articles about the inbox and messaging:✓&query=message

New sits normally stay as new on the website I believe for 24 hours after they are posted, but if an owner declines their applications as they were not suitable then the listing can appear as new again. Owners with certain membership types can also ‘boost’ their listing by marking it new again.

Did you know that you can add your THS sitters profile to your forum profile and that way other members can view your profile and offer helpful tips and advice, here is how to add it:

If you need me to do it for you just let me know.

You can also use the spyglass to search for previously discussed topics and they can be great for helping answer questions.

Here are a few you might be interested in:

If you can’t find the answer to any questions feel free to start a new topic.

let us know how everything goes and good luck with your first sit!

Hi Carla! Nice to almost meet you!

Thanks for all of that useful information. I am slowly absorbing it!

Can you please add me on tis forum? I wanted to before my question, but I’ve been so stressed at the moment I’m just not GETTING it! So, yes, please, do add my photo.

I’d really appreciate it!



@Texanlisakay Hello Lisa, Very nice to virtually meet you too :slight_smile:

I have added the link to your THS sitters profile link to your forum profile. If you click on your user name you will see the link and this is now visible to other members who can help give you pointers as a new member.

I have added a photo for you from your THS sitters profile.

Anything else just let me know :slight_smile:

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Hi @Texanlisakay , I like your pictures but I think your second reference accidentally gave you four stars instead of five. You should ask her to contact Membership Services to have it corrected. It would also be good to have a few more references. These will be less important once you start doing sits and getting reviews but they will be a big help at this stage.

Read as much as you can on the forum, there’s a lot to learn as a newbie and it’s an invaluable resource. You can click on the spyglass icon and search topics or questions. Have fun!


Hi @Texanlisakay , With the name you have chosen on the forum, I had expected the location on your sitters profile to be on the other side of the Atlantic, but it seems we are in the same town!

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Hi @Texanlisakay your pics and profile are lovely- i especially love the last pic of you with the doggy in your arms! I wish you and your hubby many happy housesitting adventures!
I agree re- the second reference. Your friend wriote a glowing reference but only gave 4 stars. Could be a mistake or consciously done- like a friend of ours who gave us 4* initially because he thought 5* might be too perfect and therefore unbelievable!! Once we explained that- with the current system- anything below 5* is suspect he was happy to correct it. I would suggest you tell your friend the same. Once they agree you’ll need to liase with THS directly so they can change it!


Hi Debbie. Nice to almost meet you! Well I AM a Texan …. We moved back to England after our marriage in Dallas ….first to London then here to cheery Chelteham 20 + years ago. Love love love it. Maybe we could meet up? I can guess where you work! Lisa x

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Thanks ! I wasn’t aware of that! I’ll speak to her and I’m sure she’ll acquiesce. Lisa :smiling_face:

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Thank you!

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Thank you on all those salient points! I didn’t realise!

Take care! :smiling_face:

Hi Mars

I really appreciate your advice, thank you!

Lisa :smiling_face:

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Hi Lokstar

I really appreciate your advice. How would I best liaise with THS to help Emma add a star? :thinking:

Thanks so much!

Lisa :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Texanlisakay
I would like to suggest that your friend email and request that they please add the extra star. The request needs to come directly from the referee.
I hope this helps.

Thank you Therese! I’ll send it to her…… I checked this morning on my THS app on my phone & her reference had 5 stars. Odd.

But I’ll get to this straight away.

I really appreciate your help.

Lisa :blush:

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