Moving house

I’m going to be moving house soon and it’s a big, international relocation.

If I change my HO listing, (new home, new country), will posting sit dates send an alert to the people who saved my current listing as a favourite, or will a location update reset the listing favourites to zero?

I’d rather not confuse anyone, or waste their time, so the zero option would be my preference… But just wondering how it all works.

Thanks to anyone who can help!

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Hello @Pips, Wow that is an exciting change.

I believe that the favourite button will stay on all of those that have already favourited the listing. As you will in theory be keeping your original listing and just editing the information. It is the listing itself that is favourited and not the location etc. Some people may decide when they see the new listing that it is no longer suitable due to the new location (for example) and may therefore choose to remove their favourite.
From what I understand there is currently no way to remove the favourites without the sitters themselves doing it.
I really like the fact that you mentioned that you do not want to mislead anyone, please do not worry too much as a sitter myself I often change my favourites and remove or add some depending on where I am and what is suiting my situation at the time.

Best wishes for your move :grinning:


Thanks, @Carla. We’re just heading back home, so while it’s quite exciting, it’s also very normal! :smile:

It’s going to be a totally different sit from the one we have now (colder climate, city location), so I can imagine people looking at a notification and wondering why they’ve received it. Never mind!

We have been alerted to some favourite listings and when I look I have no recollection of ever choosing it. After looking at previous reviews I discovered the owners have moved so it’s a totally different location and I then unfavourite it if it is no longer a desired spot.

When you are moving house and need to change your HO listing, updating the home's location or other details will reset the listing favourites to zero. Posting sit dates for your new location will not automatically alert the people who have saved your current listing as a favourite, so they would need to search your listing again to add it to their favourites list if they are interested in house-sitting at your new location.
                        Post monitored to remove link as per forum guidelines.

Hi @yosdidaedward
I wanted to clarify for @here as well.

As @Carla mentions, If a sitter has ‘favourited’ a pet parent’s/owner’s listing and the PP/owner then subsequently moves and changes their details and location, the sitter will still receive their listing if new dates are added. It would then be up to the sitter to remove them from their favourites if they are no longer interested in their location.

With regards to saved searches, naturally the petparent/owner’s listing will not show up on the sitters searches as they have moved from the location of choice.

Is it moving a complete house for living purpose or is it temporarily?

Hi @harry112 , When someone changes the location on their listing, whether it’s a temporary change of address or a permanent relocation, their listing will “reset” at the new location. If they have left reviews for past sitters, these reviews will look like they took place at the new location. For ex., I sat for people in NJ but they moved to NC. The review on my profile makes it appear that I sat for them in NC. This is maybe more than you asked, but …

Welcome to the forum! Are you a member of THS? If so, are you a sitter? a pet/homeowner? or both? Where do you hail from?

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Hi, I have had this happen to me, I sat in the Cotswolds but the owner then moved to London, so it looked like I had sat for them in London, although comments I made in the review did not relate to London. I also sat for somebody in Devon and then they moved to Spain. Again I was listed as having sat for them in Spain. It can confuse people.

I don’t think that happens. I have 2 regular HOs that have moved home/location and are in my favourite list with different photos and profile details. I would be surprised if their list of who has favourited them disappears?

Has that been your experience?