New Format on the Forum when responding?

I have noticed over the past couple of days that very long quotes are being repeated. I can only guess that it is a member responding to a prior thread and it picks up the whole content.

This is confusing and wasting time. The result for me is that I am not reading anything anymore

Can the Moderators comment please



Hi @Itchyfeet

I’ve not had any notification from the Discourse platform about any changes being made, so I’m not sure what’s happened here.

Could you possibly send me a DM with a link to an example of what you’re seeing please?

I’ve noticed the same. The quotes/ links to posts one answer to come in a different format. Confusing as quote text is so similar to actual posts.

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I was wondering if this happens when someone receives an email notification of the comment and then replies to that? At the bottom of the email notification it says “Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond”. Presumably if you replied to the email it would include the whole email below?

The reason I thought this is that I noticed one reply had what might have been an email signature with the members full name and phone number.



@Debbie - I’ve been in touch with @Itchyfeet via DM and they sent me a link to a thread where it was happening, you’re right, it does seem to be related to people who reply via email notification. We’re aware of the user that you’ve mentioned and asked that they update their signature as well :slight_smile:

Interestingly I don’t see the huge quote, I see a truncated version, so I’m interested to know if anyone with this issue is using mobile or desktop/laptop when they see a long quote.

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Oh, and just to update, I’ve turned off the ability to reply via email until I better understand how to fix the quote issue. It just means that anyone wanting to reply will have to log into the Forum rather than doing it by replying to an email.


@Jenny I’m on a desktop at the moment and what I am seeing is

The reply from the member who is replying to the email notification

A grey rectangular box with the profile photo or letter and name of the member who made the comment they are replying to and below this a few characters (bullet point, vertical line, hyphen, vertical line - probably something from the email formatting)

Then below the grey box I see the comment the member in the grey box made, in full, in identical text to the reply above the grey box.


Thank you @Debbie - that’s really helpful!

Sorry, I meant laptop, and I don’t seem to be able to edit!

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I actually see ex\ctly the same on my mobile too, including comment responded to in full.


Seems a better way to do it, as there may be replies/interactions that would missed by replying to the email.

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This has been the case for a long time and I doubt it will be top of the list for THS to amend when there are more important things to sort out which we’ve been waiting for for years……

Hi @Smiley

I think this is something I can sort out without needing the wider team, as it’s a platform-based issue that falls under my remit in the first instance. It’d only need to be looked at by IT if the fix was more complex e.g. coding. If the issue has been happening for a long time, it’d be good to sort it out!

I’ve been able to switch off the reply-by-email function for the moment, but I’ll have to follow up with the platform provider after new year regarding a more permanent fix, if we want to keep the reply-by-email feature. :slight_smile:

I’ll keep everyone updated!


You’re a star @Jenny. Have a very happy Christmas and all the best for a super new year :blush:


Wishing you all the best for the festive season as well @Smiley and thank you for the lovely wishes :heart:


Thank you, we appreciate that!:smiley:

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