New review system - Mega thread

Hello :wave:

I am back to update you all on the remaining questions.

Thank you for all of the questions about why the 14-day period was chosen. Great question and we have added it to the blog FAQ’s:

I will also post it here for was of reference:

There are a few reasons for this! Firstly, the 14-day window is designed to keep reviews/feedback as up-to-date as possible on a member’s profile/listing. Fresher reviews/feedback is also extremely helpful to highlight any issues that have occurred on a sit, or that may need help or support from our Membership Services team. Additionally, most reviews/feedback on our platform are left within 2 weeks already, so we don’t believe that this should be much of a change for our members.

In regards to how the reviews/feedback currently show up @Silversitters

I double-checked this for you currently, you can not see owners or sitters missed feedback/reviews on the website, but on the app, you can see owners missed feedback, but not sitters missed reviews. We are aware of this and will be looking into how it is displayed in the future, along with how the website and app align.

@Gwizzle17 That’s an interesting case. The FAQ’s state:

When the new system is launched, for any reviews where neither side has left a review/feedback, this will switch to the new system. For sits where one side has already left a review but the other has not, this will follow the existing review system (i.e. reviews/feedback will not be hidden). This should only affect a small number of sits during the changeover, and eventually, the new review system will apply to all sits.

So has the sitter already left you feedback? It might be worth reaching out to Membership Services at to clarify your exact circumstances as they can view your account and see if the feedback has already been left etc.

Thank you for all of your questions and feedback so far, it is super important and we updated the FAQ’s due to your suggestions so thank you :smiling_face:

Just a gentle reminder to keep the thread on the topic of the new review system, so no one misses important information about the new review system. Please feel free to start new threads to discuss anything else or individual cases.

Thank you :grin: