Hello every body,
As I wanted to up date my profile, I found a new section called “Pet’s you’ve cared for”. It allows to show 10 pets you’ve owned or took care of.
Except that there is only 6 categories : dog /cat / horse / bird / reptile / small animal
So I tried to fit my sheep and alpaca in “small animal”… it went well till the point I had to determinate a breed and couldn’t leave it blank… but it wouldn’t accept the Black sheep Breed or the Alpaca Breed…
So my Alpaca turned on “Horse - breed Altai horse” and my black sheep in Breed Belgian sheepdog !
As you as pet-sitter already used this part of the profile ? And experiment the same while filling it ? As you Home-owner look at this page your sitter’s profile ?
As a sitter, I unsuccessfully tried to add alpacas. I was also unsuccessful in adding chickens, parrots and a tortoise as I didn’t know their breed. Good idea but it just doesn’t work as it is not comprehensive enough.
Oh, and I also gave up on adding Savannah cats!
@SoloGal That is a very good question !
I also thought about it at first… then I assumed as it was not mocking pictures it wouldn’t be a problem.
But maybe I am wrong…
We’re sitters and I’d rather not use it, I’d rather HO’s focused on our reviews, and what we have wrote as that will give them a full and rounded picture as to who we are, so that HO’s get a feeling for what we are like.
Personally, I would rather an HO didn’t get side tracked on seeing loads of various animal photo’s when the only photo’s that they really want to see are ones similar to their own pet types, unless they have a mini farm.
I glanced at other sitter profiles that had completed that section, and I just thought they looked too busy and confusing. It’s not for us.
Just chiming in to agree that it looks cluttered.
The photos are just photos so they could be any animal or stock animal photos. It’s not really relevant to site experience.
As a homeowner, I wouldn’t be impressed. What does impress me: Photos of the sitter with animals and the look on the sitter’s face. Does the sitter look truly happy with animals? Those are the photos I want to see.
I very much agree with you @Marion. The small pics and names of pets give me no useful information.
It’s the pics of sitter with pets, that matter. I also look how the pet looks with the sitter. Do they seem happy and relaxed, especially if there’s a photo with a sitter hugging a cat or a dog.
Not all of them are comfortable with hugs, and sitter posting a picture of hugging a pet that seems uncomfortable with it, is a big no-no for me.