I’m new to this so asking lots of questions.
It is my first time of requesting for a sit in September, and I’m very grateful a local ish person has come forward, but it’s his first sit under his profile.
He has Sat many times with his partner. Who is the one giving his reference. Now he has set up his own profile to sit. He has provided me with the referee (his partners) number to ask any further info.
Is this usual with new starting out sitters? I’m keen to have him sit and have arranged a zoom next week to chat more
Also wanting to know do sitters pay Trusted Housesitters to join too ? All I can keep finding is how much the one with pets pays
Thanks for your help

Hey there,
Can you clarify what you mean by ‘now he has set up his own profile to sit’? Does this mean you found a local sitter not through THS, and now he has joined the site? Or he was already sitting on THS with his partner but they didn’t have a joined account or don’t always do sits together and now he has made his own separate one??
And yes, all THS members have to pay a membership fee. For a sitter, it’s between $129 - $259USD per year, depending on what plan the sitter has chosen. Hope that helps!
Yes sitters pay, and in his/their case, they have paid twice, once as a couple, and once for him by himself, and to have paid twice, you can presume he is well and truly committed to pet sitting and presumably he loves being around pets. So I doubt there is anything untoward going on, no-one would pay twice without a very good reason.
There are many reasons why a couple would create two accounts, for totally above-board reasons. It’s not the norm, but there are plenty that have two profiles for a mixture of reasons.
What is the reason he gave for him having a single profile now? That’s the only question there is, if the reason he gave sounded feasible then I would definitely zoom. If they are still a happy couple, it sounds like they perhaps don’t live together so still have time alone, or perhaps she has work commitments and he doesn’t, but they don’t want to lose their “couple” profile because they’ll still be doing some together, for example when she has time off work.
It sounds like you possibly think he’s a good match for you, so you need to go with your heart and gut over the number of reviews, but he HAS got reviews, just as a couple that’s all. But over and above reviews, it’s a gut feeling, if it feels right, it IS right. Trust your intuition, but from what you’ve said he sounds perfectly fine as a pet sitter as long as he gave a feasible or logical reason behind having his own account, but only you know whether he’s the right fit for you or not.
@annepolet if you look at his partners profile was he mentioned on it in any of the reviews ?
As he is local you could suggest that he comes to meet your pets before you confirm as him as your sitter . We did this when we started out.
Thank you for your reply and comments 

Yes your second suggestion. He was already sitting with his THS partner.
Thank you for the info 

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Yes, that is a great advantage with local sitters, being able to meet up before a confirmed sit. It goes both ways, and gives also me as a sitter a better basis for whether I want to sit. Nothing is «wrong» if a sit is then declined, it is just not a match.