Newbie To THS From Washington State, US

Hi all,
I’m new to THS as of about a week ago, I’m on my first sit right now, and lined up another one just this morning.
I’m a huge travel addict (over 40 countries so far), and I retired (for the 3rd time) two years ago.
I’m looking forward to scrolling through the forum and learning more about the ins and outs of being a sitter.
I’m pretty much all about dogs, as that’s where all my experience lies, but who knows, I may end up widening my animal circle to include other critters. Although there seem to be plenty of doggos that need sits.
I’m active in retriever rescue/fostering in the Seattle area and have a senior Golden that stays with my homebody partner while I travel.
Looking forward to everything THS and since I love Ireland (been over 10 times) I’m hoping once I build up enough goodwill from US homeowners that I’ll be a good candidate for an Ireland sit or two.
That’s about it for now. I did try to link my profile to the forum but I think I botched it.

We have corrected Forum Profile.


Welcome @PNW to THS and to the forum. It’s great that you already on your first sit within a week of joining THS. That’s impressive :clap:
Is it a local one?

There are plenty of dog sits of THS .
We joined THS 18 months ago and have enjoyed the combination of dog sits and travel . Taking active dogs with us on hikes and to explore the areas we are visiting.

Enjoy your house sitting journey, wherever it takes you .


Welcome to THS! Washington state is beautiful. And we are very active in fostering, rescuing and transporting. Also spay and neuter clinics in Mexico. I always love to hear about fellow rescuers. :blush: We are considering being sitters in the future. We have enjoyed the HO side of things for many years but would love some farm sits, horses, dogs etc. Our dream sit. Enjoy your future with THS!


Welcome @PNW. And there I was thinking you were from the State of Western Australia! Might be a good idea to clarify your location where this is an international organisation. Great you have your first sit and yes, there are many dog sits listed!


Thanks for the welcomes temba, loreemezz and silversitter!
Yes my first sit was local and a short one that went off without a hitch, so it was a good way to get a sit (and hopefully a great review) under my belt.


Hi @PNW, welcome to the forum and to THS community. You’re going to love it.
What a coincidence! I have recently retired, I am in Seattle right now sitting two wonderful cats, I am in a huge travel fan too ( over 70 countries but I don’t think that I will add many now) and I also love Ireland, in fact, my second sit was there, so you may not need to wait long to get a sit there. The HO I sat for last month (in Germany) started her very first sit in Ireland, too. So save your search and set the alert and you will soon be petsitting in Ireland.
The very best luck to you.


If the host of your first Sit does not write a review promptly, be sure to write your review. That will give them another reminder. Reviews are now blind, so they won’t be able to read yours until they write theirs, or after 14 days have passed.

One week after the Sit, if they still haven’t written a review, I would ping them again and emphasize that since you are new, you really need a review, even if brief. If people work Mon-Fri, I try to catch them on the weekend, when they likely have a bit more “free choice” time.


newpetlover that’s great to hear you had an Ireland sit. I’ve looked for April 2025 Ireland dogsits but none posted yet.
I can’t go before then due to booked trips to Mexico, Laos, and Vietnam in early 2025.
I’ll have to pick your brain on what your experience was like.

PVGemini I wrote my review this AM and the HO wrote theirs shortly after so we’re all good there.


Welcome, quite impressive to just dive into a sit! Hope you will have a lot of great adventures ahead of you as a sitter. Quite new myself, and highly recommend reading forums. So much insight and many friendly forum-members that are happy to share! Welcome!


@Garfield, agreed on the recommendation to use the forums.
I’ve been scrolling through and reading lots of good info and stories, both the good and the bad. Lots to learn from both.