No 2 showing on my app

Hi. My app is showing there are 2 notifications. I cannot find any? Please advise.

I’ve noticed the same recently - not notifications but showing messages in my inbox which are not there. Just on the app.

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Same here. It’s happened twice in the last few days.

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glitch in the matrix

My App has been showing for months that there is an unread message - there isn’t.

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Hi everyone,

I asked Membership Services if they had any advice on this, and they’ve suggested uninstalling and reinstalling the app, as that may clear the phantom notifications.

The issue is now logged so if we hear of any further info or a fix, then I’ll let you know!



When this has happened to me previously, I found I needed to go through each inbox message one by one :roll_eyes: click into the reply box then click enter, then exit that message (obviously don’t send). Go through each message until you get rid of the notification. Has always worked for me but what a long winded and frustrating process.


I uninstall and reinstall all the time. Fixed it every time but it would be nice for THS to do something so it doesn’t happen all the time.


This has been going on for over a year and previously raised here on the forum. You have to uninstall and reinstall the app to get rid of the red dot notification.

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Ive found if you go to the last message you recieved and then click in the reply box it clears the notification. You don’t actually have to send a reply just click in the box and then come out of it. It seems to acknowledge that you’ve read the last message.