No outside links in chat?

I’ve noticed recently that I’m no longer able to share links to documents in the TH chat…does anyone have context as to why this is now disallowed? I then thought “ok, let me just send it over as a pdf” but only image files are supported for uploading to chat. I ended up resorting to first taking screen shots of what I wanted to share and then sharing a qr code image but this seems like a bit of an odd and excessive restriction.

I get that we can also share documents off the platform or via the welcome guide but we like to share abridged information with prospective HS before they confirm so they have a chance to ask questions and receive more context.

@Jenny or another admin, can you help to provide some context around this change/restriction?

Thanks in advance! :smiling_face:


Read the pin at the top of the forum for an explanation of the reason why links can’t be posted .

@Jenny when will the e-mail be going out to all THS members to advise them that links can’t be posted ?

Thanks for the response! Are you referring to top of inbox in TH app or a pinned conversation in the forum?

With regards to links, I’m referring to adding links to direct conversations/messages had with people on the TH platform, not the forum in case that wasn’t clear?

Additionally, if no links, all good but the lack of ability to also add files is a bit of a hamstring. QR code seems to the the loophole but yea…

Regardless, can you provide more clarity re:what you’re referring to? Happy to read through it.

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Hello everyone,

I have an update from the team to share with you. This is the only information that the Forum team have, so any questions or concerns should be directed to Membership Services, but if you need a hand, or if you’re struggling to speak to someone, please tag me and I’ll do my best to help :slight_smile:

Now, here’s the update from the team:

"Thanks for all of your comments on this thread. We can confirm that the incident has now been resolved.

Here is a quick overview of what happened and what action Trustedhousesitters have taken.

What Happened?

We identified a phishing attempt targeting TrustedHousesitters members using our platform messaging functionality.

The messages either claimed to be from a TrustedHousesitters member or a TrustedHousesitters employee.

The message was attempting to make the recipient click on a link and enter their payment card details.

What has TrustedHousesitters done about this?

Upon being made aware of this incident, we immediately deleted all of the phishing messages.

We identified the source member accounts of the phishing messages and blocked any future attempts to send unauthorised messages.

We’ve temporarily removed the ability to share website links within the messaging functionality. We will be reintroducing this once we have completed a review of this functionality.

Our investigation, which is ongoing, initially indicates the incident was caused by 3 member accounts being compromised/hijacked due to the use of shared or weak passwords. Email addresses and passwords garnered in other (not TrustedHousesitters) website breaches are easily available on the dark web, hence the importance of never reusing passwords across different Apps and websites.

Is my account compromised?

If you received the phishing message but did not provide any information or click on links, your account is likely safe. However, we recommend changing your password immediately as a precaution.

If you provided any personal or financial information, please take the following steps immediately:

  • Contact your bank or card issuer to report the incident immediately.
  • Monitor your accounts for any unauthorised transactions.
  • Change your TrustedHousesitters account password.

What should I do if I receive a phishing message?

Thank you to everyone who took the time to come and report what was happening here on the Forum. If there are any further updates I’ll share them in this discussion post.



@Silversitters @Colin thank you both for providing context.

Hopefully the attachment link allows pdfs in future as opposed to just images but for now I’ll have to share via QR, which still unfortunately defeats the purpose if someone were to actually plant a QR with a phishing link (I’m not one of those people). :sweat_smile:


Thanks @Colin for sharing my update :slight_smile: if I hear any thing else around the functionality of links in the chat then I’ll let you know.


HI Jenny,

Just wanted to say that I probably won’t apply for sits until this is resolved. For some reason I thought it might be as I couldn’t see the links were removed until after the homeowner repled with a curt decline. Then when I saw my message with 3 links removed, I even thought it looked shady!

The links are there for transparency. One link was to my homeowner listing. Two others were linkedin and another site for my spouse who I wanted to accompany me. I think any attempt to add in the links with spaces or something will also look shady. I feel embarressed, frankly. And that’s why I’ll be avoiding applying.


Hi @Marion

I understand what you’re saying about the removal of the ability to add links, and I’m so sorry this could stop you applying for sits.

It’s not clear to me right now if the removal of the ability share links is permanent or not, but I’ll pass over your feedback, as it’s important that the team have an understanding of how the change has affected you and could affect other people.

I’ll let you know if I hear anything back.


Does anyone know as there is an ability to add photos, is it possible to add a png with links?

If it’s basically just a picture, then you should be able? My work-around has basically been sharing a QR code which directs viewers to our abridged dog care guide. As it’s just an image, it’s been working and potential sitters are able to view the information I’m trying to share with them.


Hi @Marion

I’ve had word from the team that they’ve made an update which should mean that links are able to be shared via chat, although they did say it didn’t work for all types of links.

If you give sending links a try, could you please let me know if it works for you or not?

The team are looking at a longer term solution so if there’s any updates then I’ll pass on any info I receive.
