Not Able to Access Homeowners' profile page

I am a sitter and after I click on “search for a home to sit” and then select a homeowner’s profile page I would be interested in, I get a blank page:

I have tried opening a new browser several times, but I keep getting a blank page.

Could someone please assist?

Hi @anon49809275 I’m going to pass this over to membership services so that they can check into this for you. Please bear with us while we try to identify what’s happening. All the best, Vanessa


I’m getting the same thing.


Hello @btee and @anon49809275 - this should be fixed now if you can try again. Please log out and log in again before re-attempting. Thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

@Vanessa_A Thank you; it is working now! :grinning: