Not receiving emails from THS

Is anyone else experiencing problems receiving sit application notification emails from THS? I have had 2 applications in the last 3 days but did not receive an email from THS notifying me of this so I was unaware. It was only when I went onto the app that I realised 2 people had applied and I hadn’t responded.
I did a live chat with THS who advised me to save 3 different email addresses in my address book which I have done but now the same thing has happened - have an application in my inbox on the app but no notification from THS. I am receiving emails about sitters saving my posting so it seems very odd that I’m not getting notified of applications. Why doesn’t the app show a red dot to show that there has been activity/messages on the account like other apps? It’s a real problem because I really need to fill this sit and if I’m late responding, chances are the sitter has found something else in the meantime.

Usually shows a blue dot on the inbox from my side as a sitter on my android app. I would be surprised if doesn’t show the same as a HO. Example isn’t showing the dot but that’s where it would show. Have you got all notifications turned on in settings?

Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked my settings and all my notifications are on. I received an email about 10 days ago advising I had an application, but since then I’ve had 2 other applications but no email from TSH notifying me of this. When I get a message via the app there is no red dot on the app to draw my attention to it - as you can see from the screenshot of my phone - I have notification that I’ve received an email (not from TSH) but I never get a red dot or anything on the TSH app which would draw my attention to the fact that there was activity to view.

Hi, I don’t have any apps and rely on email alerts. Sometimes I have not recieved an alert,to say I have been sent a message and it has only been through chance when logging in I have seen them. I also know that some message come really late, as have been in contact via WhatsApp with owners who have sent a whatsApp message, after sending an email on site but has been several hours, even days before an alert has come through, to tell me I have a message on TH. The alerts to messages is definitely not reliable.

Mmmm so it seems I’m not the only one. They really need to get this sorted ASAP because speedy communication is the key to this service. I have also noticed that the app inbox and the website inbox do not tally. Currently my app says a sitter hasn’t read my message but the website says they have. I have reported this and their IT department is looking into it. Bit stressful when you’re trying to find a sitter :roll_eyes: