It was my second sit, in FL, where I wanted to be, during the time I wanted to be there, so I couldn’t be picky. It worked out in the end. I ended up getting a $80 credit on the hotel the following week with my daughter, so Karma…
And where people chose to respond to my posts and deliberately try to spin my statements and opinions and make false claims about them I will continue to correct them and repeat my opinion for further clarification.
Everything else you’ve said is pretty obvious… not really sure why it needed to be said in response to my statement specifically but hey ho!
That’s great.
I’m really glad it worked out for you.
I’m a strong believer in karma too… and that’s exactly why I don’t apply for sits where a HO expects a sitter to provide a car for the duration of the sit!
I’ve clearly stated I don’t view sitting as a vacation and I don’t believe anyone who is simply looking for free accommodation on a vacation should be sitting.
And I have clearly stated that I believe sitting essentially comes with 24/7 responsibility for the pets and home. So there’s absolutely no need to try and tell me this.
That’s great news regarding your recent application from a potential sitter. Sounds like a win-win-win! Although I do hope you cleared it with her to share her details regarding her travel movements/intentions in a public forum. I’m not sure I’d be happy with a stranger disclosing my personal travel plans and reasons to the wider public.
I haven’t seen any listings where a HO expects a sitter to provide a car.
I’ve only seen listings where HOs say that a car is needed to get places because public transportation isn’t available, it’s not walkable, or they aren’t providing a car.
hahahahaha…okay, Liam, whatever.
I think I get am now getting the average sit. The house is very nice, the dog is relatively easy to take care of, (more smaller, older than young large puppies). No use of luxury cars, or cleaning service coming in. And right now it is where and when that are my criteria as I am traveling a specific route, a specific time. I have one in Dec coming up where they invited me to dinner and spend the night before the sit starts. That is a first for me. But it was based on my need for a place to stay and spend some time between family Thanksgiving in Philly and getting out to LA by the 19th of Dec. The sit after in NM, isn’t my first choice but nice house, just a lot of pets for me. I think if I had waited, I probably could have gotten a better sit, but the dates lined up, the location lined up. And I took it. That is the thing if you are nomadic. It is somewhat a gamble. Do you wait, do you take the bird in hand, etc etc.
To be fair, although not clearly stated as such, there are a few listings where the HO requires the dogs to be taken to specific walks or play areas and they do not provide the use of their car. In those cases they are assuming the sitters will use their own car.
Again, it’s quite easy to avoid those sits. Nobody is forced to take them.
I agree - I think there is a desire here for a confrontational to and fro.
They may not need to. If a sit is in a high-demand area, they’ll probably get a sitter without offering a vehicle. People here often advise HOs who are having trouble attracting enough good sitters that offering a vehicle will broaden their pool of good sitters.
You may not have.
I have seen plenty. In addition I have received several invitations where the HO explicitly states the sitter will need to provide a car!
What’s your point exactly?
Interesting response.
I take it it you didn’t clear it with the potential sitter then?
As I stated before I have seen plenty of listings where the HO had explicitly stated the sitter must provide their own vehicle.
I don’t care if they need to or not. It’s my opinion that it’s the considerate thing for a HO to do. And if they chose not to - which they’re totally entitled to do - I will view them as inconsiderate and disregard their listing/invitation.
There are plenty of things that a HO doesn’t ‘need’ to do for sitter. And vice versa.
If a HO is happy to take the ‘I don’t need to’ approach then I’m sure that’s what they’ll get in return.
Totally your prerogative. If it’s as I said a high-demand sit, they don’t need (or probably want) an application from someone who already thinks they’re inconsiderate simply because they don’t offer the use of a car.
Clear with the potential sitter that I mentioned that somewhere in the world there’s a woman whose mother lives in a metro area of 2+million who is hoping to come visit that mother at some future date? No, I did not.
I feel like your approach here in these forums seems deliberately combative. You seem to want to convince people sitters are getting a raw deal. I’m wondering if THS is really for you. You might prefer a paid sitting service.
No, that’s not my approach at all.
Please remember you chose to respond to one of my posts countering my opinion, whilst claiming to speak for ‘most here’. I fundamentally disagreed with your opinions and so responded explaining why. And this has gone back and forth since then.
Yet supposedly I am being combative for strongly disagreeing with your opinion that you have shared in order to disagree with mine.
Maybe you’re used to others agreeing with all your opinions or not responding to you when you try to dismiss their opinion and claim they’re misinformed or whatever.
It takes two to tango.
And yes, a sitter (potential or otherwise) I would not be cool with a HO (whom I have never met and whom I’m about to potentially enter a relationship based fundamentally on trust) broadcasting the details I have just shared with them in good faith regarding the reasons for my sit and my future travel plans.
Just a quick reminder about my post from the other day.
Thank you!
Well, good to know. I think it’s highly unlikely you and I would align with our expectations for one another. So even though I live in a mid-demand area, have an extremely easy sit, offer a car, offer flexible dates pretty much every sit, and understand the exchange from the point of view of an experienced sitter, probably won’t be an issue for us in future.
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
I have no doubt you are a great HO for sitters and vice versa.
However, just because you do both and can see things from ‘both sides’ doesn’t mean your opinion is preeminent. As both a HO and a sitter you may naturally walk a middle line - which is usually a wise choice - but it also means your opinions might be conflicted by your dual role.
If sitters wish to express a well-formed, logic-based opinion about what they expect to see from HOs they would sit for they should be free to do so without others the. continually presenting misconstrued versions of that opinion in order to undermine it.