I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts about messages exchanged between the owner of a sit I start on 22/12 - 3/1 and apologise for the length. Before confirming I asked for a video call but she wanted a phone call initially & said maybe later a video chat, which we haven’t yet had. We’ve been communicating by WhatsApp messaging.
She offered me the use of her car so I booked my rental car to finish on 22/12. She asked me to drop her off at Auckland airport and pick her up on 3/1. When she told me her flight arrived back at 0020 I explained that I didn’t like driving at night & avoid it (it’s the glare as my eyes are getting older). Then she suggested maybe I could drop her car off late afternoon/evening on 2/1 at valet parking at the airport so she could drive home on arrival & I pick up my rental car and drive back to hers. At that stage I didn’t know if I needed a rental car for my last few days in NZ.
She then sent me details of the excess I’d need to pay should I have an accident in her car, for which I was grateful as no other owner had thought of that & neither had I.
I asked if I could take her dog out for walks straight from home to save using her car, she said I could and that previous sitters had their own or rental cars and she would use park and ride. She said she had a concern about another driver, other than family driving her 2 year old car but was making an exception in my case.
I thanked her for the use of her car and said it would be nice to take her dog out exploring. She replied that she wouldn’t want to see high mileage on it.
She suggested we both drive to the airport on 22/12, I drop my car at the rental and drive hers back. I suggested driving her in my rental to her airport hotel, then drop my car off and get public transport back, then as she had suggested leave her car at valet parking late on 2/1 for her to drive back early hours of 3/1. She initially agreed to that, then an hour later said she thought we should take both cars on 22/12 to save the hassle of public transport (well that’s my problem) & if I leave her car at valet parking on 2/1 I could go on to my accommodation from there. I therefore booked an extra night’s accommodation as was due to stay at hers 2-3/1. She said her neighbour would watch the dog until she got home. She suggested leaving the car at valet parking as late as possible so she didn’t have a big bill.
I’ve been feeling nervous about driving her car so said I thought the easiest thing would be for me not to use her car and her to use park & ride as she normally does. She said I would need her car to get around and would ask her neighbour to pick her up early hours of 3/1.
I tried to call her while we were messaging but she didn’t answer.
I still don’t know exactly what we’re doing…it seems to have got out of hand and her chopping & changing her mind.
I had also earlier asked her to complete the Welcome Guide, she said she had and not to ask her again……but a lot is missing.
I’d be very tempted not use her car and stick to using a rental and explain that putting the dog in a rental car could incur cleaning charges for you and that you’d rather not risk that.
Her journey to and from the airport isn’t your problem. Her flight could be delayed meaning an even later trip for you. Stick to your guns and say that you don’t feel that a journey to and from the airport is something you are willing to do. She can’t force you to do it.
I would send a message that you’ve tried to contact her and messages have gone unanswered and you will be contacting membership services to ensure that all is okay.
Lastly, don’t be bullied into what you can and can’t ask. The welcome guide is there to help you sit for her, if it’s incomplete don’t just accept that you can’t mention it again. In your message list what’s incomplete and say it’s vital that you know this information prior to the sit, so she needs to complete is and resend.
Hi @Daisy999 thank you so much for your response but I think you’ve misunderstood some of what I’ve written, not surprisingly it is complicated!
I won’t have a rental car as can’t extend it now beyond 22/12, all booked out. She offered hers so I accepted.
I’m having no problem communicating, we WhatsApp.
Yes, I will stick to my guns and am definitely not picking her up from the airport, she’s accepted that.
I daren’t ask again about the Welcome Guide but am going to go clutching a list of all the questions unanswered in it, which will no doubt annoy her.
A lot of red flags, I know, but I’m committed now to the sit.
Hope this sit works out in the end. Glad you’re not picking up, sounds like a whole heap of hassle.
We are sitting in NZ from January until March then head home to the UK. We are currently in Western Australia and our last owners said we should look into taking rental cars back to their original location. They’ve done it numerous time, as did our son when he was in NZ and Australia without any problems. We thoroughly intend to do it to keep car rental down.
@Smiley I liked your original plan to drop off the owner’s car at the airport on the day of their arrival and take a taxi/public transportation back to the house. We had to do that once but we parked the car in the economy parking lot and stuck the key using a magnetic key holder. It worked well and we were glad that we did that because the owner’s flight was canceled and he arrived the next morning.
Yes I’ve heard about this but haven’t managed to use it yet. Might check it out again for when I’m back in Australia. Thanks for posting
I’m waiting to hear the latest from her but will look into that. I think, however, that she wants to be picked up…it won’t be by me though!
@Smiley another thought….can she take a spare car key with her and you park her car at the cheapest airport car park and leave the entry/exit ticket in the glove compartment?
That’s an idea but I’ve now told her that it’s best she uses park and ride which is what she normally does and that I won’t need her car. She appears to be thinking about that now….I don’t see how she can disagree with that
It all sounds a little messy and has ended up becoming a much larger hassle than it needed to be. I feel for you.
Yes I’m dreading meeting her tbh!
From my experience, sits that start out with this kind of hassle only become more so. The unnecessarily complicated car issues aside, I’d be just as concerned about her refusal to fully complete the obligatory Welcome Guide. You’re clearly a very experienced competent sitter:- does it benefit you to stay committed to the sit?
I really can’t pull out at this stage, it starts on 22/12 and has been booked since April. If I could cancel though I would!
Given that you’ve decided to stay with what has been a troublesome pre-sit so far, what it may be good to do in your own mind (and hoping this doesn’t come across as trite) is to focus on the positives, and why you were attracted to the sit in the first place - whether it be the lovely pets, the home, the location, even just the convenience of the dates etc. . . . Crowd out the ‘negatives’!
All the best with it!
Thanks @RosiePosie it may well turn out to be fine in the end.
What area of Auckland is the sit, out of interest?
Wow!!! What we’ve come to understand is that we can only control us. Take control of you and let that be your guide. Do what you are most comfortable with and set your boundaries. You know what you are doing and you do it well!
And I agree with @RosiePosie - focus on the positives.
I’ve messaged you, but curious why you ask…
Thank you @PetSitterBug The owner seems a force to be reckoned with but so can I be! Yes, there are positives & I won’t have to spend too long with the owner
Having messaged the owner yesterday to say I won’t use her car she’s just responded as follows, which I think is very rude:
‘All sorted. You will take my car to international valet parking. Give them the keys, details of the car, & my flight details, which I will have all that written down, & then you can go onto to your accommodation on the 2nd’
I guess she realises park & ride will be more expensive & her friend won’t pick her up in the early hours.