Hello there,
Here is my favorite recipe when I do house-sit with hens.
Hens means eggs. Can be lots of eggs avery day.
Here is a recipe from West of France that uses 7 eggs : Gateau breton. Means Cake from Brittany.
This cake can be kept for weeks or month in a simple paper bag.
It is even better to way for at least a week before eating it. If you can !!
Gateau Breton
500 g (18 ounces) of wheat flour (plain with NO raising agent)
6 egg yolk + 1 for the topping
300 g (10 ounces) of sugar
300 g (10 ounce) of COLD salt butter
Mix together flour + sugar.
Add 6 egg yolk. Stir as much as you can (it doesn’t mix very well : it is normal).
Now the secret of this cake : use very COLD butter.
Cut the butter in small cubes shape and add it to the mixing.
Rub in you fingers every sigle cube of butter with the mixing : at the end you have only crumbles.
If the butter becomes to soft : put the bowl in the fridge for 20 mn and go back tone it’s cold.
When all the butter is rubbed : you dough is ready.
Take a round mould size 8 inches (or any mould you find in the house !) and put some grass paper around.
Squeeze the crumble in. Use your finger to tamp it. Make it as flat as you can.
Take the last yolk in a cup and use a brush to spread it on the surface of the cake.
With the top of a fork draw lines on the egg topping.
Bake for 40 mn at 180 ° (at home I use the top flor of the baking oven of my aga).
Leave it to cold in the tin.
Wait as long as you can before eating it !
I often leave one of these cakes to my OH when they have hens. With a note saying they can keep it for very long. The longest you keep it, the better it tastes.
Thank-you for sharing this Francoise!! I will be making this at the weekend … but wait a week to eat it!!! (Not sure that’s possible … but we will try!!)… I imagine a dark choc mousse would be the perfect partner! I just love the foodie possibilities from living here
I onion chopped
1 med carrot, diced
2 celery sticks diced
2 large garlic cloves crushed - to taste
Finely chopped red chilli to taste
I can chopped tomatoes
1.5 cups of red lentils
1 tablespoon tomato paste
Veg or chicken stock
To taste:
Smoked Paprika
Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer until cooked … taste and adjust seasoning.
Optional add a can of chick peas
Optional: increase spices … when making as a Welcome Home dish I adjust to the owner’s taste, how do I know? A spice rack full of pungent spices they like heat, otherwise keep mild and flavourful
I’m on my first sit since the pandemic, sharing a home with Scarlett, an English Setter. After reading here about making dog biscuits, I made some before arriving. A simple recipe (DIY 3-Ingredient Vegan Dog Treats - The Plant Philosophy) of just three ingredients - what could go wrong? Well, let’s just say it was one of those baking days I didn’t have a fancy cookie cutter, and the mixture was way too wet to roll out, so I improvised by making drop cookies. If you look at the photo in the recipe, there’s no comparison. However, I chose to take them with me and tell the homeowner the whole tale.
It turns out that she laughs that Scarlett would be vegetarian by choice My only problem is that after three days of using pieces of my cookies, I then went to use one of her regular ones. No way, she would not eat her normal treats, and instead moved to where I stored the ones I made. I also use pieces of them to implant her pill that she takes daily and she has not figured that out yet.
I’ve emailed the recipe to the homeowner, with apologies for the work I’ve now created. The homeowner is happy and is looking forward to baking them. All is good and Scarlett is happy.
No better proof that these biscuits are delicious ! Even though there are not paw of bone shape ! I must say I love these bone and pawn mould, didn’t know it could exist but now I know I am desperate to find one of course !!!
Lentils are a mainstay in my “pantry” wherever I am!
They are so easy, nutritious and versatile.
I buy mine dry and soak a few hours.
Boil and then just have fun adding whatever strikes me at the moment.
Garlic and onions
Or any or all of these
Spinach, kale, turmeric (almost always in my soups), sometimes leeks.
It may start out one way on Sunday and be a completely different meal on Friday!
Season to taste and the spicier the better.
All this recent talk about food I felt it was time to revive this thread and share the love on our virtual table here!
I love cooking and experimenting with all the new fresh things I continue to find and learn while traveling!
Like Spanish Tortas!
And here it’s empanadas and Chivitos…
Those deserve a separate post