Record-breaking sits

Just starting this thread for fun and out of curiosity - has anyone done any unusual, exceptional, super-challenging house sits to be proud of?

I may have broken a record with my current sit: I am looking after 39 animals at once! Can anyone beat that?

I have under my care: 4 dogs, 8 cats, 8 sheep, 2 goats, 1 donkey and 16 poultry birds.


Wow @Romana! No, I’ve never come close to that. I’m impressed to say the least!

And great topic BTW. I’m looking forward to hearing what pet feats other sitters have done!


@Romana that is amazing! Can I ask…are you like a Dr. Doolittle? LOL

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I think our most was 13 - 1 dog, 2 cats, 7 sheep, 2 ducks, and 1 chicken. 39 is a lot!

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Our most was 24 (ended at 23, one tiny chick didn’t survive). 2 dogs, 4 sheep, 10 chickens, 2 ducks, 6 guinea fowl.

Second most was 18: 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 love birds, 7 chickens, 3 ducks


Donkeys? Easy - if you are lucky and get such a gentle one like “my” Getrud.
She is a gentle soul and perfectly obedient, but I have heard that other donkeys can be very stubborn and some even bite and kick. I wish you good luck with yours!


What a cute pic…I love me some donkeys and sheep!

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Wow @Romana that’s a lot of pets. All the more impressive as I think you sit solo too?

Our best is 23 - 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 rabbits, 3 geese, 6 ducks and 7 chickens. We were sitting as a family of 4 though, so more pairs of hands.

We’d love to care for sheep or goats, or a donkey!


2 dogs, 2 cats and about 3 dozen hens and 1 rooster. I did have to collect eggs and hunt for them a bit. But the weather was such that there weren’t lots of eggs (at least that I found).

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How wonderful. I had a sit in Shropshire with 42 rare sheep, but it was quite easy as I just had to walk the fields each morning, count them and make sure none of them were stuck in fences or injured. You’ve got your work cut out!


Of course, if you count fish in a pond and the other animals……

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My record-breaking sit is coming in a couple of days - three cats :wink:


@Romana - and a Partridge in a pear tree? :joy:

Tell us @Romana how you’re managing these animals. For instance, are you having to walk all the dogs or do they just run around the fields? Are the cats indoor or outdoor cats? The rest I think would be manageable although I’ve never had a donkey or goats.

On one (solo) sit, I had…

1 horse
1 donkey
2 dogs
2 cats
2 pigs
2 cattle
3 golden pheasants
14 peacocks
8 quail
6 ducks
12 hens/roosters
2 koi ponds

Plus very extensive gardens to water. And record-breaking heatwave. I got in shape fast.


That sounds pretty much my limit! Haa haa … Perhaps an inspiration to stretch myself! Wow, I am impressed with the vast numbers and types of animals. :slight_smile:


@Romana how lovely and what a great post! :slightly_smiling_face:
We haven’t yet looked after donkeys but it’s certainly on our wish list.
We looked after a Stately English Country House which had 12 horses, 1 cat, 2 terrapins, a dozen chickens, 4 cows and 2 quail so a total of 33 for this one and on another sit at a smallholding we looked after 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 cockerel, 7 chickens, 6 bantams, 4 day old chicks, 2 pigs, 2 senior rams, 5 junior rams and 28 sheep so a total of 59 animals for us for this one sit! :sheep: :cow2: :rooster: :racehorse: :dog: :cat: :pig: :turtle: :hatching_chick::blush:


Congratulations, Smiley, it looks like you are the record holder now!
At least when it comes to the number of animals which we started out with.
Are any more records around?


I’m sure there are…

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OMG, Samox24, you are the record holder now! Amazing!