Many, many pets

Hi @Varinia. Welcome! 5 sits is a really solid start! I’ve done only 4 myself (on TH).

Here’s one topic people may recall:

Personally, I would consider 8 cats, even vs 1 dog. Depends on the details.

Also, for dogs, I’m reminded of this photo in the LA Times:

That photo launched Cesar’s career. People who are good with animals are beloved.

Side note: I had difficulty finding the forum topic for “record-breaking sits.”

What didn’t work?

  • searching for “most pets in one sit”
  • tweaking advanced filters for that search

What worked?

  • search for crap. E.g.: “jwe;flwkje”
    • it’ll say “no results found.” Then it says “try searching with google instead” and gives a new search box (that sadly looks just like the earlier one)
    • in that box, search for “most pets in one sit” and click the “google” button
      • there it is at result #3!

Summary: Search in the TH forums is not akin to google search. Try both.