Repeat sits: Do you ask for another review?

Just wondering here as to whether I should actually start asking my return sits for an update every time I do a sit.
I think I’ve now certainly done 20+ sits for TH but on my profile I only have 14 reviews. Why? Because I have at least 3 recurring sits I don’t like to ask the owners for an update every time I do a sit. I’ve put this in my profile and a HO can easily see that if they go to my sit list. But I’m thinking now of just asking them to do a one sentence review and just say ; See review>>> and add date of written review.
Does everyone ask for a review every time after a sit???


We have never had a return sit yet on THS but when we were doing Airbnb I would always ask them if they could “spare a minute” to leave us another review “as future guests think it is suspicious if guests don’t leave reviews” - We had a guest stay every mon-wed for 13 weeks and left us 13 reviews - usually something simple like " another great stay" - which suited us fine and each time we made a point to thank him (again!) and emphasised (again!)how important it is that he leaves one every time

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Colin thanks will considering mentioning this to my sits and maybe indeed get them to do a “one liner review” thanks again for the tip !


We didn’t do repeats for quite a long time as we were travelling the world, but were then back in the UK for almost 3 years, and they became quite common in our house sitting schedule.

We had the same concern, it felt hard to ask for reviews over and over. But we gave it thought and realized it’s very important for continuity, not only for sitters but also owners, so that gaps in reviews are not viewed negatively. That led us to explain this to HOs in our communication, often at the handover, where we explained the mutual benefit of having repeat reviews.

Everyone has agreed and I think out of all our THS reviews we only have one repeat sit review missing. Even just “it was lovely to have X X return for a second, third time etc.” says plenty - if you are invited back multiple times it says a lot about how they valued the service and pet care love you provided.

Explain the benefits, and I’m sure you’ll get good feedback and results through this exercise. Let us know though :slight_smile:


Thanks Vanessa yes have now written to two of my “repeats” and asked if they would be so kind as to just give a little oneliner with even just a nod to a more extensive review written at a different moment.
Actually have still thanks to Covid, 6 repeat sits coming up in the next 3 months. As I don’t get my 2nd covid jab till august I can’t really apply for sits aboard (am really wanting/hoping to go back to Madrid again) to sit but also to see one of my oldest friends who moved back a couple of years ago due to health reasons.
So hoping the HO’s will give a little reply. Yes I too found it difficult to ask every time but as you say for continuity it does maybe look better!!!


I have done over 20 sits for the same couple. Each time, I send the review link with a personal email asking for my review. I have received the review almost immediately, and the wording is different each time. They never take us for granted.


Hi @Maggie thank you for posting, this is a great point and comes up frequently. Like Vanessa and others I have done many repeat sits and approach repeat reviews in the same way and have never had anyone decline to give one. Additionally I always ask that sits, repeat and otherwise goes through the site (if a membership has lapsed for any reason) this way I can also mention the review.

Even after receiving the amount of reviews that I have, I still appreciate and place great store in having an owner’s endorsement of a job well done, reading them fills me with pride and appreciation.

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I am being asked back for return sits and that is always nice. I would also always ask the HO for another review. Otherwise, yes, it looks as tho people have chosen not to review/feedback.

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I asked for a short review on a return sit and told them why I wanted it. They were happy to do it.

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We have done a return sit which was only 2 weeks after the first sit and we asked for a review explaining how useful it is for us as sitters and the HO. The 2nd review was even better than our 1st review.


Great question and something I’ve often thought of as well. We have actually never asked for a second reference on a return sit as I really didn’t see the point once having received a great review. We have received second reviews from homeowners though without asking.

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I’ve not done any repeat sits yet. Reviews are 3 fewer than sits - 3 HOs choose not to leave reviews. But with 30+ sits, I’m not too concerned :dog2:


We have done a couple of repeat sits and I have asked the home owner for a short review as this “helps to keep our profile up to date”. They have always responded favourably and been very kind in their comments. I don’t think people mind at all.


Still haven’t got to doing the oneliner every time after a sit so my reviews don’t tally up precisely with the number of sits but as a number of them are repeat sits I think anyone reading will understand this. So I often try to ask at least every two or three sits if they will give a short update.
Am now on a sit I’d love to come back to more often but unfortunately it would mean me traveling abroad every time and would be very costly even though I can actually distance work so that does have an advantage. So I’m hoping i get a good review on this one that they will consider having me back sometime (added bonus the sit is in the place I used to live in in the UK and I live in the Netherlands) …

Most of our ‘repeat’ invitations simply come over the phone, by email or whatsapp and thus there is no new sit advertised or completed on THS. Providing the owner is still a member of THS can I ask them for a second review, even though there is no new ‘completed sit’ to attach to ?

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If the home hosts are still THS members I would always ask that they book through the THS system - That way you both get the support of THS, I think there is some insurance for the home host should there be an accident during your stay and you get an extra great review which looks particularly good when a former home host is seen to have asked you back . Win -Win- Win!!


A review has to be attached to a posted sit. I agree with Colin about booking repeat sits thru THS so you have insurance protection etc and can be reviewed.

We have done one repeat sit and requested a brief review. Every review helps IMO.

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Yes, but assuming they are THS members ( but have simply phoned us to agree a sit) can they still add feedback on the THS site even though the sit was not advertised there ?

Never thought about that my first ever sit I went back 5 times that year.but I was new to ths.

You could ask them to give you an external reference but not a sit review.

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