Not “merely”!
I really appreciate your efforts.
I don’t know what the issue is with the hashtags. I think they are great. You are highly valued @Cuttlefish
The admin team have received a few flagged comments from this thread. Sadly some have become personal. It’s fine to disagree and have different opinions, the world would be boring otherwise, but it’s not in line with the guidelines to make things personal or unkind to another member.
Everyone uses the forum differently and that’s what makes such a great community. Lots of opportunities to learn from others, while sharing in a way that works for you.
Any questions my DM’s are always open
There’s no restrictions on commenting just a restriction on how many comments you can like .
@Silversitters Great point! It was a Discourse standard set-up setting so I have now upped the limit so members can like away until their heart’s content!
Yayy to Carla,
And never-ending love to all forum members
I agree with you to a certain point @BJane but in this case it refers to the number of likes you can use, and nothing to do with frequency of comments.
@Carla has clarified the issue for us all.
I must say that I’m amazed how much time some people are able to spend on the Forum, but great advice is given. I just tend to check in once a day and have found that new posts are ever increasing.
She certainly is and I hope to meet her one day
First they restrict how many applicants can apply, now you can only like 50 posts. No wonder everyone I know is not using this site any longer.
Nobody ever loves me!
I love you @Ellie.P
Just popping on to say that @Cuttlefish is a #hashtagforumlegend - It’s great that @Carla was able to increase the amount of love that can be given, based on feedback in this thread!
Also, big forum love to @Ellie.P
@Jenny it’s just unfortunate that after a certain member posted something rather not nice on the topic (which was later edited) Cuttlefish has not been back on the Forum. I don’t believe this is unintentional and to me it goes to show just how much words can hurt. @Cuttlefish we all love you, please come back
We absolutely don’t want to lose our lovely @Cuttlefish - I’ll make sure the team reaches out today to check in on them.
@Cuttlefish there’s room for you on this platform!
Maybe just taking a break, she did say she was really busy
Hello you lovely lot. Thanks for all the forum & hashtag love. Am still here & still happy to help people who want it. Really appreciate the support & messages too. Not giving up on the Cuttlefish hashtags either. #thenonloverscangowhistleinthewind