Sit Review Requests

I agree with others- we always request a review first before providing feedback.

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Seems like a lot of the experienced regulars on this forum don’t write the review until it’s received first. Now that I have 11 reviews and it’s not critical to get each and every one, I will adopt this strategy. Getting the good review right away makes me feel appreciated for taking care of their precious pets. It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes for the HOs to do that


I recently completed a sit I thought went really well The animals and I had a lovely time and I felt I did a really good job overall I got two messages on what’s app from the owner thanking me for my services and telling me they could see that their pets had been well cared for and responded well to me but as yet they have given me no review I happily sent through some positive feedback before sending a review request Should I perhaps have waited ? How long should I wait to follow up to ask if there were any problems etc ? interested to know other sitters thoughts thankyou

Hi @wendywindow no review doesn’t mean that there were any problems- is it a new member who doesn’t know the importance of reviews to a sitter ; or is it a homeowner who has never left any reviews for any of their sitters ? Or maybe they’ve been swamped with work/ family issues or been ill since they got back from holiday and it’s slipped their mind .

If you haven’t already asked HO for a review directly- send a nice friendly message ,along the lines of “ I hope you’ve had a good week / I’m really missing xx( pets names ) , if you were happy with the way the sit went, I would really appreciate it if you would leave me a review on THS as that’s how I will get more sits in the future .

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Thanks @Silversitters They are new homeowners and mine is the first review on their site so they probably need a bit of time to find their way through the process to respond plus they’ve just flown back to Aust from the UK and getting over their jetlag If I could put their appreciative texts up as reviews I’d be a happy girl They’ve been back 5 days and I just sent the review request yesterday so will wait a few days before flowing up if I need to Thanks for your interest and input Wendy​:+1::blush:

Doesn’t hurt to send a friendly text as being first timers they probably don’t realise that the reviews are like “Payment” for a job well done to a sitter and as you say it’s not always intuitive to navigate the THS site .

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Hi. I had a similar concern after a recent sit. I decided to let it go and many weeks later they did write a really great review for me. There’s no one right way to go about it. I decided not to reach out to them other then requesting a review. I think some HOs don’t really know how much that means to us. I think (I’m imagining) what happened in my case was they were looking to get another sitter for an upcoming trip and maybe someone asked them whether or not they leave reviews for their sitters. I think this is a great service we can do for one another - mention it in the interview. That way, HOs will become more aware of the importance.


We finished a sit last week with a new member. I sent my final update via text and wrote. “Since the reviews and feedback are important to both sides, I will try to get mine written without much delay.” She wrote hers within 24 hours so I wrote mine


This is curious to me, why didn’t you ask for reimbursement?

@friendi pet food is not a gray area. The homeowners are supposed to supply all of it. We watched a rabbits for a week and they ate spring lettuce mix. I asked the homeowner if they were going to leave cash so that when it runs out I can buy more. So they left cash in an envelope for me. Last thing I feel like doing is asking for reimbursement


I hear ya It is disappointing especially when you have put your heart and soul into caring for someones fur babies and treated their home with the utmost care and worked like a trojan to leave it sparkling clean for them and then that happens ?
It has happened to me not that often thank goodness but it can be hurtful I counter it now with at the end of a sit writing to ask if everything was OK and letting them know I am happy for feedback and then telling them I’d love it if they could leave me a review I also counter it by absolutely knowing when I have done a great job and congratulating myself and realizing I have plenty of lovely reviews already which stand me in good stead for future sit bookings
Sadly I have struck it where homeowners have decided they are doing you the favour by letting you stay in their homes quite forgetting that oh by the way you have just kept their plants and gardens alive and well cared for and saved them thousands of dollars in kennel fees
I always express gratitude very easily to homeowners for the lovely opportunities sitting affords me and it can be disheartening when it feels like in the acknowledgement dept its all take and no give PLUS surely its a simple and all important courtesy for homeowners to say Thanks for a job well done thats just manners really