Sitter no show

Thanks very much! As a retired teacher, I do appreciate a good lesson. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Please be careful about the use of the word homeless on here @delaneyh1. We are full time sitters & digital nomads and essentially are “homeless”. What that actually means is other people live in our home because we don’t need to and it would be a waste of money (and there are many of us living this way)! We sit because we love the travelling lifestyle. On another note, a commitment is only truly that on THS once a sitter has pressed the confirmation button and accepted a sit invite from the HO. Did that happen or did the just say verbally they were interested and then changed their minds as that happens on both sides as everyone is looking at multiple sits and multiple sitters. Most sitters once “confirmed” are fully “committed” and won’t pull out of a sit as that’s not regarded as ethical on THS. #extrabitofinfo


I wouldn’t class you as homeless, as you still own a home, others that are purely nomadic who don’t own a home, i would class as homeless, as they are.

True enough, but you know what I’m saying @Hallt64 . Just because a sitter is of no fixed abode and/or doesn’t own their own home, doesn’t mean they’re looking to squat/move in to the HO’s pad instead which was the inference. #Imightbebeingapedanttho


I fully agree @Cuttlefish, no-one should cast dispersions on the lifestyle that people choose to make. What really works for some people is the opposite end of the scale for others.

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The sitters who responded changed their minds after confirming on both ends from me and from them. One had a medical issue come up and the other just decided to not travel to this area.
Yes the confirmation button pressed. A couple of others who responded with interest — 1 didn’t call when she said she would, and one came to meet my dog and said she didn’t want to take care of the dog but would like to rent the free room if it was available.
At any rate I did find someone, a digital nomad per se or traveler, whatever, she seems to be a good person, able for taking care of my dog and reliable. My first experience on this site was very good it’s just been hard this second time using it.


It does not matter to me whether the sit was confirmed or not, not showing up and leaving someone in the lurch is just unacceptable , period. Sorry that happened to you!

It seems that you are inviting sitters. That is not a very efficient way of finding them on THS, and they may also be less committed than sitters that selected a listing to apply to.

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some are homeless and signing up to cover their options for a place to land

I find that to be a wild claim, and in return, I could suggest that perhaps someone is being too stingy to pay for a professional sitter. It seems someone has misunderstood the meaning of ‘Trusted.’ Perhaps the entire community and website should be renamed to clarify that this is about meeting on equal footing, where no one is superior to another, but instead, it’s solely about the love for animals. This love let owners choose someone who wants to do this, even though they are not paid, such is their love for animals, and they will ensure that the pet is well cared for in their absence. And the love from pet sitters who sacrifice their free time to be there for an animal, in return receiving comfortable accommodation and the opportunity to discover new areas.

By the way, we have been homeless for two years and are far from being too poor to afford accommodations. Yet, we greatly enjoy dogsitting. Don’t you think it would be wiser for “real homeless” individuals to get paid for such services? What would they gain otherwise? Having the honour of being in your home? :joy:

but then get something else.

Do you think homeless people do have plenty of options to choose from? Ahh, right, the Hilton said I can stay with them, let’s change my mind. :rofl:


Nope, you wrong. My experience I’m mentioning were from people who responded to my listing — I did try inviting sitters and that didn’t work. I’m wondering why the effort to discount my experience? It is what it is— I’m still here and found a sitter.

You have just been unlucky this second time. There have been cases of cancellations reported lately from both sides (owners and sitters), not always for legitimate reasons, but those are the exceptions. The vast majority of this community stick to their commitments, respect and enjoy this system of mutual exchange.
Best wishes.


Any answers and clarifications from the OP? :person_shrugging:


We prefer the term “home-free” :rofl:


Why do we bother? ‘Crickets’ from @SuzKnobel!

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Nice use of the crickets reference @Smiley !


We currently do not own a home, but that does not mean we are unreliable. We are financially stable and have the means to purchase a home when the time is right. We do not accept pet sitting jobs solely for the purpose of having a place to stay, as we have the option of renting an Airbnb if needed.

So, a sitter who isn’t accepting a sit should just show up…. where exactly?

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Apologies if you misunderstood what I said
I never implied that sitters who are classed as homeless can be unreliable.
I was commenting on the use of the term homeless, and my opinion on that.


If they have not told the person they have not accepted the sit, and they have a scheduled time to meet the home owner and pets and they dont show up…disrespectful and just unaccetable, end of story.

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If they have not told the person they have not accepted the sit, and they have a scheduled time to meet the home owner and pets and they dont show up…disrespectful and just unaccetable, end of story.

You know, there are certain rules on Trusted Housesitters. End of story.