Sitter Profile LIVE before we were ready!

HELP! We were in the process of tweeking our sitter profile. I added the Title not realizing that it would go live before we pushed a magic button. Our problem is we and one of our references have sent emails this weekend THS support waiting for “Monday” morning. This neighbor gave us a glowing reference that we are very happy with…BUT inadvertently gave us only one star in every one of the star categories. She is, as you can image, mortified at her mistake.

Is there away to pause our listing? Remove it from being live?

Hi @GLK welcome to our community forum and to TrustedHousesitters … please don’t panic all of this is correctable by the Membership Services team and as you are not applying for any sits yet it will not be a focus for any owner.

Sitter profiles are a work in progress from the time you register they are editable and open to improvement, change and developing as you gain experience.

Please ask your referee to email, include your member ID 2956146 in the email explaining the error and how she would like the ratings changed to 5 stars across the reference and Membership Services will get it changed.

I’ve read her reference and it’s obvious that she has made an error but we have to have her instructions in order to protect the integrity of the system. Please don’t be concerned, your profile is looking great and the error is easily corrected.

Welcome to our community and to TrustedHousesitters we look forward to sharing in your new adventure.

Angela and the Team