Sitter Review disappeared

Only just noticed that one of my reviews has gone. It says ‘review by former member’ and has the stars but the review has gone. There was one there. Anyone know why this is? When someone leave do the reviews get wiped? Or have they requested it to be removed, in which case what did I do? Worried me a bit. It is all a bit weird. I’ve had no communication from them or THS, although I did think it was strange they didn’t text post sit to say they were back or thanks etc like most sits but I didnt follow that up and the review was good. It’s less than 6 months ago.

Under laws like GDPR, companies must remove members’ info or data if they request that. The company has no choice.


Thanks @Maggie8K. Ahh, I see, that explains the name and pet name but I don’t think the review would count as personal data would it?
I would hope if this was the case THS would inform a sitter?

Just to add it still had dates and the place name on but I took this off to post here.

I recall a comment by a moderator that that’s what happened — a request meant that the review was removed. Of course, you can ask membership services directly, in case I recall incorrectly. Membership services is at

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This was the answer given in a previous thread