I am quite new to THS. I posted dates for the week of Thanksgiving. Many sitters have saved the request and only one has applied. The one who has applied spunds like she needs housing prior to my departure. How do I respjnd to the saves? Do i invitem to apply or do I wait?
Thank you.
Hi, we would normally save a listing that we are interested in however the current dates do not work. You don’t need to invite them. Next time you post dates for a sitter they will automatically be notified.
Welcome to trusted housesitters 
Continue to wait for more applicants if the first one doesn’t sound like a good fit yet
We save sits for the future or if it’s a popular sit that’s already reviewing for the dates we want. Honestly, it’s a bit of a fool’s errand to invite saves, although it does open up the lines of communication for the future, which can be helpful.
If you aren’t getting much traction, consider editing your listing a little. This will push it to be new again so it’s more visible.
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We often save sits we like the look of but are not necessarily wishing to make a commitment yet. We don’t need to sit but when we discovered pet sitting as a concept we enjoyed it a lot and decided it was a great way to keep us busy in our early retirement rather than sitting at home growing old (read that on here somewhere and thought it was an excellent way to put it
We have had several HOs then contact us and ask if we can sit for them. If they ask and we are available then we have a chat and if it all seems good we will go for it.
Sometimes we are booked but if a HO gets in touch and we have good comms then we have been invited for future dates. It doesn’t always work out but what is the worst that can happen by getting in touch? It may take up a bit of your time but you might also get lucky
. Good luck

Listings are favourited because sitters want the faster alert if you post a date. For a lot of sits the slower alerts for a saved search in an area is too slow or maybe they don’t have a general search that covers your sit. You can try message them but don’t be surprised if they come back and say they can’t make the dates. Especially for short-notice where they may have high travel costs.
You could try linking your sit to your profile here (there are instructions somewhere) and maybe people in the forum can suggest some tweaks to attract more interest.