THS did not post one of my reviews

I posted here a few months ago about a HO who came home a day early and one of the sitters encouraged me to leave this in a review for the HO.
Today I noticed that the HO is looking for a new house sittter. I went to the posting and did not see my review. Anyone else ever notice this? Does THS sometimes remove reviews?

Maybe you simply didn’t hit the final submit button due to your natural frustration at that time.

Never happened to me, nor have I read about it on this forum.

The only two possible reasons that come to my mind are that the message wasn’t effectively sent (technical failure or other issues) or that the deadline wasn’t met, but, in this case I would be inclined to think that you would have known and probably would not even had had the possibility or writing it.

I wonder, though, what would happen if we start writing a review before the deadline but hit the send button after.

Perhaps you could ask Membership Service what has failed in your case.

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Have you checked in your Past Sits section on Dashboard to see whether both yours and their reviews are there for you to click on @Newe4444?