I’ve been a sitter on and off with THS for several years. I have just let my membership lapse as I’m not able to commit to sit at the moment. Awaiting surgery and a new puppy are preventing me at the moment. I have every intention of re-joining.
As a result I got an email from THS requesting feedback on my reasons for not renewing.
There were only 6 or 7 options to choose from and most of those applied only to HO’s.
Most of them were presumptive negative, such as not enjoying sitters or not enjoying using THS or not value for money.
There was no option to cover my actual reason and no option to say ‘none of the above’ for a free text narrative answer.
When I tried to back tab it submitted an answer. No idea which one!
How can THS possibly expect to learn from people’s experiences or get useful feedback if that’s the sort of survey used?