Unable to open “reviewing” housesits?!

Why am I now unable to click on the “reviewing” housesits that already hit their 5 applicant limit?

I used to go through them and read details about the home & pets in order to see if the housesit was one I could do in the future. For example, if the pets had certain special needs that I didn’t feel capable of fully delivering on, then I would not save the housesit (obviously for the benefit of all parties involved). If everything looked good, I would heart/save the housesit so I could be notified if it ever became available.

Now I cannot even open the housesit and look at it after it hits the 5 applicant limit? Seriously? What kind of detrimental micromanaging is this??

Please tell me this is a glitch and will be rectified asap



When you do map search (like I always do: Europe - THS very briefly had an option in its filters to select regions such as Europe, but that disappeared just as quickly again), the sits that are in “reviewing status” are not even shown…

So that means you don’t even have an idea, just by scrolling listings on the website, which sits were posted and went to “Reviewing status” while you were not online…