What are these numbers?

I just signed up for this site and community. On the listing of available house/pet sit there are applicants numbers in range. Like:
|16-20 applicants|

The question I have is, if these are the ranges of the number of current applicants, why is it in range instead of the current number of applications?

Also, some numbers seem very high like 50. How many applicants the homeowners normally want before they are comfortable of making decisions?

Hi @pilgrim , welcomed to the forum. As far as I can gather the range does indeed show roughly how many applicants there are for a sit, as to how many a HO needs, there are probably as many answers as there are HOs, I am happy to book sitters after one application if I am happy with the first sitter to apply😁

Hi @pilgrim welcome to the forum and to TrustedHousesitters, thank you for joining our community.

The numbers you see on the listings are the number of applicants as @Foldor13 has said, this doesn’t include invitations sent by owners to sitters, owners can search for sitters using their preferences and proactively invite them to their sit.

Sits in very desirable locations will always receive a higher number of applications, owners have the ability to pause these incoming, while they consider those they have, unfortunately some do miss this function and take longer to go through the process of selection.

When we become aware of a listing with a high number of applications which is still open, we will contact the owner and give help and advice on managing their listing.

Most owners manage their selection in a timely manner, given their dates and lead in time. If a sitter feels that a sit is the right one for them they should not be deterred from applying by the number of application.

For everyone involved it is about choosing the right sit and the right sitter and having good clear communication .

Welcome again and I hope you will explore the many helpful forum conversations and if you need any help or advice they are always happy to share their experiences and knowledge.

Angela and the Team

As a sitter with THS, when I apply on a sit with 0-3 applicants as soon as I see that sit, I get excited and think “I have it”! That’s not always the case, as a lot of homeowners offer the sit to that very first person, so I may be number 2 or 3.