What homeowner's ways and food choices have you adopted?

Definitely loved trying out the SodaStream while at a HouseSit. I always love seeing how people configure their houses and the very quirky and charming aspects of homes!


I bought a bread maker which I now always use. Potato peeler - bought several as they were ceasing to be sold. Oven gloves that don’t burn the ends of your fingers - expensive but worth it. Karcher for the shower -but also use on my windows. I take it on the UK sits so I can leave their showers spotless.


Ditto with the shower Karcher @Marion58 an excellent little device, especially if you are a “that smear is driving me made” glass perfectionist


My last house sit before I started renting again was a great inspiration for decor - I have the same rug, lamp, stools, and desk. Plus, the homeowner very nicely gifted me a lamp that fits in perfectly.

Other than that, a stick vacuum. While I’d love a Dyson, similar (but far cheaper) models are available and work almost as well.


You’ve just reminded me, I bought a lovely rug based on one on my very first sit!


Welcome back @zoemac it’s been a while, great to see you again!

I’ve been a bread maker user since forever ago so I totally understand. I make all my own bread products - far more than just a loaf of bread. Love it. However, I had no idea what a Karcher was so had to look that one up. Interesting. It’s a learning experience here at times for sure, which is great.


Do you use a bread maker or make them yourself? You say you make lots of other things besides a loaf of bread. I always like to learn, do you mean in the bread maker?

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I’ve been lurking, just not replying. The weekly email reminder is great for that!

Hope all is well with you. Z

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I make various types of loaves but I also have made the dough and then made pizza, pita bread, bagels, English muffins, cinnamon rolls, and hot cross buns. I’ve given up on bagels but the others I make and they’re all healthier than most commercial ones. I use as many organic ingredients as possible. :yum:

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They all sound very tempting. I would like to give it a go. Did you say you use a bread maker? If so, did you go by their recipe book? I would like to try hot cross buns. Thank you you’ve inspired me!

I search on the internet for recipes, first showing ‘bread machine’ in my search words, and then whatever ingredients I want to use or product I want to make. Here’s the hot cross buns recipe, although I should admit to mine being cross-less. I cut the buns in half and freeze them, so the crosses don’t work well then, especially as I toast them when defrosted. :yum:

The smell of freshly made bread is lovely and takes me back to my grandmothers kitchen. I have used a bread maker for years and you can also make some lovely cakes. We adopted using a Brita to filter our water which has never tasted as good it was the first house sit we ever went to and have never been without one.

I’m a dedicated Brita user too. Sadly, Niagara Falls water is pretty to look at but not so nice to drink. :roll_eyes:

Thank you for sending the recipe. They look delicious and I will definitely give them a go.

We now use a Brita filter too but in the machine called a One Cup. We have so many drinks a day. The platform just takes our teapot with one bag and press twice! I found where we live I was descaling the kettle every couple of weeks and still I could taste that white stuff!

I couldn’t be without my One Cup, bread maker or Air Fryer…

The HO at my current sit introduced me to The Pink Stuff, a mildly abrasive cleaner that miraculously removes burned on food from pots and glass cooktops. I just ordered some. I think it’s a slightly less abrasive version of Barkeepers Friend, that I love but that I was unable to find in the UK. Just checked and they sell The Pink Stuff on Amazon US and UK.
The Pink Stuff


I ordered some Pink Stuff, because many RV’ers swear by it. Haven’t tried it yet. When looking on Amazon U.S., I discovered there were a bunch of products in the PS lineup. Will have to try more if the first one works well. I bought a spray variety.

I don’t cook at all. I even buy guacamole to make avocado toast. I tried this on my latest sit and found it tasty on avocado toast.


My kinda people x