What should be included on pets page?

Whats the deal with the welcome guide?
I’m getting welcome guides that just go on and on about where to get coffee and pizza but the Pets page just has a picture with no pet details.
What fields are they supposed to be filling out?

Totally agree! In the latest handover I did, the WG detailed all the stuff about the local area and how to use the TV, but nothing about the pet instructions. During handover, I asked if feeding instructions were written down anywhere for us… we were told nope, and so I had to write the instructions down while they were showing us the food & house. It’s not a big deal (for me) but I do think the WG prompts info that’s not exactly essential. This is also the second WG in a row that I have received with no pet info.

I don’t know if it’s just coincidence but with two welcome guides we received lately one or more of the pet information under the individual pet photo was missing and when I asked it was just because they hadn’t hit the save button when typing it up.

I would tell the HO so that they can make sure they’ve submitted all information and you’re set for success for your sit :muscle:

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I get robust WGs. Don’t know whether it’s because I avoid all hosts who put out iffy signals and/or because I say during our video chat that I’ll be looking for the WG well ahead of our sit, unless the hosts have already volunteered that they’ll send promptly.

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We’ve been lucky with the welcome guides so far. Feeding instructions for the pet(s) is a definite must in a welcome guide as well as where the pets sleep. I also like to know about the pet(s) personalities and how they react around other dogs.

Exactly. Happened last two times for me as well. Wondering if template got changed?
The template should mark it incomplete if fields are missed. No Vet information either!


We had a random thing on a WG where we thought there was no pet info (or not much) but if you clicked on the small icon photo of each of the pets then it took you to further pages. Have you tried that @TidyCat? #delvedeeper

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Wait, have you clicked on the pet picture?
On the app you have to click each pet to see the info.
Definitely a tricky thing until you know it’s there!