What to do with request from HO

There are so many sits available, especially at this time of year, I’d pass on any hosts who made requests I wasn’t comfortable with. Not worth the bother.

They might be perfectly nice, but so are many other folks who clearly get the THS ethos, LOL.

To me, many of the sits where sitters and hosts post on the forum as having gone wrong included signals early in the process.

My suggestion is to always remember that THS sits are voluntary. Why volunteer for potential trouble with people who don’t get it? Pay attention to signals.


Not trying to beat a dead horse, and certainly not trying to defend Florida law, but the information contained on a driver’s license including birthdates, etc is private and can be used for fraud. This is exactly the type of information that people are warned against simply handing over for no good reason. Here is more information about what is and isn’t available to the public: Record Production Fact Sheet - Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

In the U.S., states started protecting info like addresses on driver’s licenses decades ago, before fraud spread as it has. Why: A stalker got hold of the address of a starlet from such info (which was then public) and went to her home and killed her. After her death, advocates pushed for such info to be made private. Her death wasn’t the only reason, but it was among the most provocative and emotional.

Sending by email or text is not secure. The information can be easily obtained by those who will use it against you.

I had a homeowner insist on this even after I reminded him that we were background checked in the US which was far more thorough than a simple license check. So I withdrew.

This is only partly true. Only sitters from the US (and UK?) are background checked. The others aren’t.

No CBS or official background checks for the UK, just the USA :us: @4Paws

I wasn’t sure. Thank you :pray:t3: