I have confirmed a wonderful couple as our sitters early next year. We have talked, and because of our travel times, we have both agreed to start the sit a day earlier and end it a day later. Do I need to make it “official” and change it on THS, and how is the best way to do that? I can’t do it under “Manage Dates” on my Dashboard because the sit is already confirmed. Should I just leave it as is, since both sides have agreed to the new dates, or does that cause an issue for “insurance coverage” if the dates that they are here do not match up with the dates of the confirmed sit on THS? Would I have to cancel the sit and then send them a private invitation to the new dates? That seems awkward to me. Any advice is welcomed.
I think you have to cancel the sit and rearrange. We’ve done the same because our flights changed but have changed the dates informally with our sitters.
@sledgejoyce there is a forum thread on how to do this I found using the spy glass search
Two reasons to consider updating the dates officially:
- It will update the sitter’s calendar.
- Most importantly, it ensures the sitter has access to the welcome guide through to the end of the sit. We’ve learned to screen shot or otherwise record important info like vet and emergency contacts in case we lose access, but like to have the full guide right to the end.
In addition to the reasons that @lifephasenext has mentioned ; the insurance provided by THS will not cover any “unofficial “ arrangements so won’t cover the dates not showing on the platform.
The most straight way to change dates is to contact member services as they can change the dates for you .
Thanks everyone. I do realize the importance of making the actual dates of the sit match the dates listed on the confirmed sit. I emailed support@trustedhousesitters.com on October 26, 2 days ago, and as of yet, have not had a response.
@sledgejoyce , this has happened to me a few times. The HO cancels the sit, then reposts/invites the sitter for the new dates. The sitter accepts for the new dates. Let the sitter know so they’re standing by to accept the new dates. The whole thing takes a couple minutes.
That scenario just makes me nervous; afraid I’ll do something wrong and lose my sitters! That’s why I really wanted the email to support@trustedhousesitters.com to work so they could do it for me. I guess I’ll wait a few more days and see if I ever hear from THS support.
About half of the sits I’ve done have had date changes. None of them were ever changed officially. The main issue it has caused recently is that if I then go and get another sit that aligns with the new dates, it then looks like I have overlapping sits. I recently got a threatening email from THS about it being against the T&Cs to overlap sits. Of course the sits don’t overlap, it just appears that way because the dates in the THS system are not the actual dates of the sit. Due to this issue, I will have to start insisting that HOs officially change the dates.
Also, on the topic of the insurance. I did have a sit cancelled that had been extended by two days. The dates weren’t changed officially. But I sent THS screenshots from our communications showing the HOs asking to extend the end date by two days and my agreement to do so. They did honor the extended dates and I was reimbursed for all of the days.
I am now all set, thanks to support. They actually replied quite promptly and made the change to the dates for me. I didn’t see the email because I searched for “support@trustedhousesitters.com” and it came from a different email, so I didn’t see it. Thank you THS support!