I know this question has been posted before but there has not been an answer that has worked.
Where can I find the list of sitters who have favorited or saved my listing?
I looked under my profile menu for a ‘Who’s saved your listing’ link but it doesn’t exist there. The only way I have found them is by clicking on the link in the emails sent to me when a sitter favorites my listing.
I have a basic sitter plan but, according to some past posts, that shouldn’t matter.
@bkirkby On the web site, click on the little profile icon at the top, the drop down menu shows “Favourites”. I am a HO with a Basic plan and only see on the Favourites page the sitters whom I have favourited – there is no tab showing “Favourited your listing”.
I may be mistaken, but I thought one of the perks of having a higher level membership is being able to see which sitters have favorited your listing. Despite what previous posts said, I imagine that’s the issue. THS has made a lot of changes and people aren’t always aware they’ve happened.
Ok, when this page opens you’ll see under the words YOUR FAVOURITES, see sitters who have favourited your listing in purple. Click on that and you’ll see the as per bottom screen shot. X