Which food is bad for dogs?

Hi Jeanmarc
It’s really important that you know what could make a dog ill. On one housesit the dog that we were looking after, a very small breed, ate some raisins while we were out in the park. Fortunately she was on a lead so we were able to pull her away quickly. It was a huge pile of raisins that I can only assume had been thrown down deliberately as it was such a huge quantity, not just a discarded handful. We had no idea how many she had eaten but I knew that even a few could cause kidney failure. We managed to get the dog home and I rang the vet’s immediately and explained what had happened. The vet reckoned we needed to get the dog there within half an hour if we were to save her. We managed to call a taxi (and not all taxis will take dogs, especially a sick one) and got her to the vet’s just in time. She was given an injection to make her sick and we were left in a room with her for a good half hour until she had an empty stomach. She was then given another injection to stop her being sick. The vet informed us that it doesn’t matter how big or small the dog is as even a small amount of raisins/ sultanas can prove fatal.