Another new thing?

Just saw this new image as some kind of option for the first time on the Forum. Did someone throw a spanner in the works? :person_shrugging::rofl: I see it’s for share/flag/bookmark. Aagh the times they are a changin’

I was going to ask about the wrench, (north American term for the thing. )


I’ve seen wrenches used to indicate controls before. Sometimes, designers use gears or nuts for controls or settings.

Nothing happens when I open the wrench. Maybe it’s not functioning yet.

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The topic controls are right next to it, so maybe it’s just to indicate that.

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Maybe, but I also see it when it’s not next to topic controls.

So its next to anything you can click on to do stuff :smiley:

Sadly, I don’t necessarily expect consistency or logic with THS. In general, more than normal could be improved, unfortunately.

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Yes I agree, Maggie, have seen them used in many environments. Just noted it was the first time on the Forum. Not a bad idea I guess, just another surprise addition :thinking::rofl:

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@ExploreDreamDiscover it’s in two places and you see what it is for on the dropdown list by tapping “Topic Controls” not by tapping the actual wrench/spanner. By tapping on the spanner it doesn’t actually take you anywhere. Don’t really know why it would be in two places when one is of no use :person_shrugging:

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And just like that? It’s gone!


@ziggy The wrench/spanner certainly seemed like a developer tool that was mistakenly left enabled while updates were being made to THS.

I noticed minor changes with saving new mobile searches now keeping all filters when you open on a web browser to view those saved searches, previously for me some of the non-date filters didn’t carry over to the web browser. There certainly seemed to be other backend tweaks happening around the time this appeared in the forum. Not sure if anyone else noticed other changes elsewhere.

But you kept bringing it up and they finally got around to unchecking a box somewhere within their configurations. :wink:

@TD052023 that all sounds so intelligent, unlike my inability to understand 90% of tech stuff 🫨 Thanks for the probable clarification, I never stop learning :wink:

I noticed that Sort order: Newest is now kept in my Saved search. That is a change that is certainly positive.

Now I wish that that setting could be kept in general !


@pietkuip have you noticed that recently the saved search alerts aren’t coming through as quickly as before on the app? I am checking a bit more now and randomly check the app for new listings for my saved searches and often there are new ones that I haven’t been alerted to. They come through eventually but not near as quickly as when we tested it months back.

I had noticed that clicking on the alert often did not get me anywhere. So I switched them off.

Anyway, right now I am not searching anymore. I am basically fully booked until my membership expires in the beginning of June. At the end of July, I have a repeat sit. And after that I will try Nomador for a while.

Good luck with Nomador then :pray: