Anyone applied for a UK passport in the last few weeks?

And if so, how fast was it please? :thinking:

Good morning. We used the Post Office Digital Check and Send service about four weeks ago, the new passport was delivered in nine days. Very quick, easy and efficient service. Just check as not all branches offer it.


Great, thanks @Daisy999 - if had one person say a week so yours at 9 days is a good second opinion! :raised_hands:t3:

Mine was just within 2 weeks. A straight forward renewal that i did online & posted my existing special delivery.
Service was really good i got texts every few days as to where it was in the process.
The only slight issue was grtting a good digital photo.
They did say to allow about 10 weeks.

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Thanks @Gina - super helpful! :raised_hands:t3:

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New UK :uk: passport took 8 days just in case anyone else is looking at doing this. Online service, upload your own digital photo, pay the extra £5 for the signed delivery. Sent it Monday and was back a week and a day later all done :raised_hands:t3:

@Cuttlefish had a very similar experience renewing my sons’ passports. Sent them off on a Monday afternoon. One was received the following Monday and the other on the Tuesday. So they took a week and a week and a day respectively.