Applicants failing to reply

Applicants failing to reply after initial contact

Not much to go on. Could you give more detail?

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Do you mean they ghost you, or are you randomly inviting sitters to apply?

If the former, there are rude folks in life and on THS, unfortunately. Also consider whether something might be going wrong with initial contact, like your tone or expectations.

If the latter, it would be nice if folks replied to unsolicited invitations, but they’re not obliged to. Many sitters sit only occasionally and might ignore all THS comms and instead search for sits when they feel like it.

If you’re randomly inviting people, it’s worth recognizing that it rarely works, because sitters have their own calendars, preferences, etc.

Personally, I almost always reply, even to withdraw or decline. When I don’t: When hosts seem rude or lazy. Like if someone sends an invite that lacks much info or is super sloppy, I might ignore them. Why: I’m not interested in enabling inconsiderate folks and I’m not obligated to.

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This is the original post and info from the OP @JPAT who needs help (from another thread)

We’ve used TH successfully for several years with positive two-way feedback every time.
Our current listing has been really problematic. We were let down by a young girl, and have had 3 subsequent applicants who have all failed to communicate with us following initial contact.
As we leave next week, we now have to implement our emergency contingency plan.
Our 3 dogs will have to go into kennels even though our eldest is currently not very well. A neighbour has kindly agreed to look after the rest of the animals.
The whole purpose for using TH was to avoid this.
We’ve had no explanation from any of the 3 applicants. Are we doing something wrong?

(edited to meet Forum guidelines)


There are more sits than sitters overall now on THS, so even hosts who’ve been able to get sitters in the past aren’t necessarily successful now.

In your place, I’d share my listing and get feedback from sitters.

Even then, it’s always good to have a fallback plan for your pets.

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That probably explains it.

Two dogs is my maximum.


I always think it doesn’t really matter if there is a third one when there are two. :rofl:

When two dogs are a bit difficult to manage (and I have encountered that), three would be really terrible. I would not apply.

There are plenty of one-dog listings, and I have had some easy two-dog sits too. But I won’t risk three.


We sit as a couple and two is our maximum.


@JPAT I can’t explain why someone would apply and then not reply to your communication with them .

What did you say in your message to them ?

Was there more than 24 hours between them applying and you replying to them ?

Whilst THS say you should reply within 72 hours if the sit is only a week away some sitters move on and apply for other sits , if hosts don’t reply promptly when they initially receive their application. Especially if the sit is just a week away and sitter needs to confirm a sit to make their travel plans

It’s amazing how keen we are on keeping threads alive even in the absence or the OP, even with half a post! :rofl:
I love it!


I can’t either. I might just consider doing it if the owner answered 4 months later. That happened to me but even then, I answered.

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Definitely recommending again that you link your listing in your profile so you can get feedback and also provide more information.

Did these people apply, then you chose the other person who bailed, and then you went back to the initial applicants? If so, I’m not surprised as they’ve almost certainly moved on to different sits.

Since you’re on a tight timeline I’d recommend providing a timeline, complete information, and sticking around to actually interact with the people who want to help you get the problem solved. We can’t do much with no information.

Replies are always courteous. Looked forward to hearing from them.
Since posting this and reading responses, I sent out further messages to applicants who did then reply, apologising for not responding. Thanked them and wished them well.

Thank you for your comments and advice.

The listing had originally gone live 3 months ago and we had chosen an applicant who regretfully withdrew last month. We were pleased to be able to get 3 more applicants but this is where we experienced the disappointment and frustration of lack of communication.

It was somewhat ironic that after having joined this forum, I did try to contact the applicants again and two of them did respond!.

Both had agreed to contact me last Friday, but hadn’t done so. I wrote a polite message assuming that they were no longer interested in the sit. Both replied and were very apologetic, giving their reasons for not responding previously.

I thanked them and wished them well.

One final question to you, please.

How do I link my listing in my profile?

Thank you again.


If you take a look at this post it’ll show you how to link your listing to your profile :slight_smile:

If you have any problem doing that, just drop me a message and I’ll do it for you!


Hi Jenny,
I would really appreciate it if you could do this for us.
Thank you again for your help and support. It has been very reassuring during this frustrating time as Diane and I (and our furry children) have benefited so much in the past few years by using TH.
Kind regards,

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Hello @JPAT

All sorted for you :slight_smile:

You and Diane have absolutely adorable furry children, and quite a selection! I see you’re in D&G which is just a few hours from the Scottish Borders where I’m from! It’s a lovely part of the world and we’ve got a few sitters on the Forum who have really enjoyed sitting at places around Scotland.


@JPAT Your listing shows: ‘Currently no sitter needed’?

You’ve had six sitters already, so clearly your listing has previously worked to attract sitters. However, I suspect that any sits which include 3 dogs, 4 cats, a tortoise and 2 rabbits is going to limit your applications, and that Poppy must sometimes use a buggy might also be an issue for some.

You’ve not included any interior pics of your home and I’m surprised that @Jenny hasn’t picked up on this, since I think it’s a requirement that listings should include photos of rooms which sitters will occupy. This is important to us, for sure. Also, though Poppy looks a sweetie, the pic of her on a pillow on the bed might be off-putting, since not all sitters like to bed-share with dogs. If this is something which you prefer, it should be included in the listing under ‘Responsibilities’. You might also mention whether the cats go out and if they use a cat flap. Also, you don’t define the bunny care. It’s also helpful to state how long the pets may be left.

Basically, though your home looks appealing, there’s nowhere near enough info for us to consider applying, nor sufficient photos.