Hi I am a owner of 2 wee .Chihuahua. s and wondered if there was any other owners, or sitters who have experience of them.
My wife & I absolutely love Chihuahua’s and always look out for sits with them. We previously looked after one on and off for nearly a year in a previous city where we lived and loved her as if she were our own dog. We love their personalities and they always make us laugh. Too cute!
Hi @Rebs10 and a big welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy connecting with other members and especially Chihuahua owners!!
Could we have some pix of your 2 - would love to see them!!
We’ve just completed a sit where one of the dogs was a 4.5 month old chihuahua. A tiny dog with a huge personality who could jump surprisingly high!
My family pet growing up was a Chihuahua and we’ve looked after one elderly one so far on our sits!
Hi @Debbie you must have some adorable pics of the little one, we’d love to see just how small, SMALL is …
Hi Angela ,i have been in hospital , I will look out some and put them on’.x
Hi @Rebs10 I hope you are better and that it wasn’t anything serious. Take your time it will be lovely to see some pics when you have a moment. Stay well
Thank you so much for sharing … pushchair transport
I have fostered 8 Chihauhau’s during lockdown. I currently have one Chi Male, 8mths old, recently neutered.
There are so many resources, my favourite resource is the Giant book of Chihauhau care. They also have a great website that’s worth a look http://www.petchidog.com/chihuahua-book
May the Chi be with you!
They’re beauties!
Aw so cute those big brown eyes.
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