Bugs in THS review reminders

This isn’t a question, just sharing my experience with the hope that THS fixes this bug.

Monday I completed a sit. Tuesday I left a review. This morning (Thursday) I received a THS email notifying me that the HO had left a review and if I wanted to see it, I would need to leave a review as well. Huh?

I clicked the link in the email and it opened a screen that showed me the HO review and said I could no longer leave a review because the 2 week window had passed. Huh?

So I opened the app. The HO review is published on my profile. My review is published on the HO profile.

5 stars each for me and the HO. Zero stars for THS.


The majority of THS´s messages are not only frustrating but also misleading and need some sort of editing. Perhaps it’s time for them to hire a copywriter.


@RadarInc Yes that may be an issue too but I’m guessing this particular case is a programming error.

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I have raised this on other threads. It has been reported to the Product Team who have done nothing


Is this the same bug that sends an email asking you to confirm a sit when you’ve already confirmed and it’s on your dashboard?


As someone who works in product (elsewhere, not THS) these things happen. Sometimes people don’t anticipate a use-case, timelines are tight, etc. etc.

It’s really helpful to the team to report it, but they’ll possibly have other priorities/ might have finished the work and have to wait until the next release to include updates. Bugs of the category “is mildly confusing to users, but still works” is often really low priority.


Thank you, @lolrj , I appreciate your perspective.

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