EV charging (UK)

Hi there
We’re about to post our house on here to look for sitters and are discussing whether we mention/include use of our EV charger.
We’re in a rural area and on a day/night Octopus tariff (much cheaper to charge overnight).
My partner is not keen on advertising it/allowing use because of the potential cost implications of charging (plus I’m not sure how you would get a second person to charge on an intelligent system!). I’m less worried but do also share some concerns (but also not sure if it would really attract sitters?). There are no public chargers nearby.
All thoughts and experiences appreciated!

Hello @Mtdt and welcome! This has come up on the forum before and from memory one sitter paid the HOs for their EV cost of charging and another one offered to pay and the HOs said no, it’s fine. If you’re rural then it adds appeal to the sit for sure but also think it’s totally fair to say up front in your listing that the sitter could use and reimburse you. Does that help? :thinking:

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Here you go. You can use the spyglass at the top of the forum to find any other EV discussions too :raised_hands:t3:


We are EV drivers currently touring France. So far every HO has allowed us to plug in our basic charger and said don’t worry about the cost. In each case we have left some money calculated at the rate for electricity in the area. (Even though the HO said no need). Offering a charger will certainly appeal to some sitters especially if there are no chargers locally. Most chargers allow you to unlock them and or have a second user. What brand charger do you have.

Welcome @Mtdt - another thing to consider does the sitter need to use their car to take care of your pet/s for example to take a dog for a walk - is it from the doorstep or do they need to drive ?
If a car is needed to undertake the responsibilities then making the charger available is a fair exchange.

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We have an Ohme Home Pro with a day rate if 32p kWh and night rate of 7p kWh.

Thanks - yes, been through all of them already. My question is based upon what wasn’t quite said!

Great work. You’re ahead of the game then! :+1:

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No dogs! Only a couple of cats. We’re rural so to go anywhere they would need a car (no public transport) - but am also aware that people don’t pay the petrol for sitters too! (Hence the dilemma/question).

Maybe list without the EV charger being mentioned and see if you get a suitable application.

If you can’t find a sitter initially then you can always add the EV charger option later .

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For many sitters @Mtdt it wouldn’t be an issue because they don’t have an electric car!