TH: Please List EV Charger as an Amenity

Hello. First time on the Forum. I don’t see this topic listed directly, so here goes. I would like the “amenities” section to include EV charger. Ideally it would include a place to annotate what kind of EV charger (Level 1, 2, or 3), Tesla-or-not (ours won’t work with Teslas) and whether or not the sitter will be asked to pay for the electricity (I see in previous posts this has been an issue). We find more and more sitters are seeking this, and have to lumber through our whole listing to find out. And we, as EV drivers (exclusively) find this is a real plus when we seek a place to stay out of town. Thank you!

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you would hope so, seems a bit cheeky to charge your car and not pay for it


A good idea but the decision makers don’t read the Forum. Send your suggestion to Membership Services. It may go on the ‘to do’ list if you are lucky.


We drive an EV and several of our sits the HO had solar and just said help yourself. On other sits we always offer to pay but HOs have refused (we leave the money anyway)

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Hi @MCB and welcome to the community.

Thanks for posting this as we have the same issue. Be good to know via the amenities section rather than having to ask the HO and alienating them upfront. If there is a driveway, can a sitter plug in with a granny charger (sitter offering to pay).

Should be a searchable filter as well.

A second question would be how far to the nearest public charge point where the HO has no facilities or is in a condo/apartment. I know I can research this online but we don’t have an address at this stage so could miss a perfect sit due to lack of info.

Tagging @TrustedTeam

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@MCB I have located a link on this topic for the UK so the issue has been around before.
You can use the spyglass to search EV or EVs for other posts too.

@Jenny, suspect post may be better classified under “THS News & Feedback”.

Good call @GotYourBack - I’ve moved it as you suggested :slight_smile:

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Why? If the host were home, s/he would be charging their vehicle there.

I don’t understand the logic in your argument. The question is whether the HO should pay for the fuel needed for the sitter’s car. HO’s rarely pay for the gas/petrol/diesel that sitters use in their cars. Why would electricity be different, other than the fact that it is available at the house?


While that’s true, I think it would be petty to charge or disallow use but that’s up to each HO. :red_car:

@MCB As homeowners, we state in our listing that if a sitter uses an EV, they can charge it at two locations within 2.5 miles of our home, and we provide the addresses for the charging stations.


I mean, sitters should be “lumbering” through your whole listing anyway, but you can certainly highlight this as something available in your profile.