Hi! New THS Pet Sitter from Miami, Florida (Florida Native)!

Hello everyone, I am new to the THS platform! I applied to THS to pet sit adorable fur babies around the world. I have had my own fur babies in the past, but they passed away awhile ago. I miss them very much. :frowning: This platform allows me to be an auntie to your fur babies while you are away, travel, and make new friends. The good thing is that I am a full-time remote worker, so it allows me to travel and snuggle with your fur babies. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi @adventureonmichi !Welcome to THS and the forum!

I was overjoyed when I discovered THS. Like you, I missed my beloved pets, in my case two angel dogs, and having the opportunity to lavish my love on others’ pets has been such a joy. If I just wanted simply to travel cheaply, I could house sit or do work away, but the pets are the big draw. I see they are for you, too.

Being a fully remote worker will give you more time to be with the pets. Post pandemic there seem to be so many pet owners who want someone who will be home with their pets most of the time. This is perfect for you.

Have you done any sits yet? Do you need pointers to help you get started?
If you want some help perfecting your profile, you can add it to your forum profile so forum members can give you feedback. Here are the instructions for doing that. How to Add Your Listing or Profile to Your Forum Profile

If you want advice on landing your first sit, check out these topics:



You can use the little magnifying glass in the upper right to search topics here
on the forum. Many questions and concerns have been discussed and chances are, you will find the answer to most of them by doing a search. I also recommend that you read as much as possible. There is lots of information and useful advice here that will help you become a great sitter. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the “archives,” feel free to post your question here. Enjoy!


Hello, @mars Thank you for the warm welcome to THS! I appreciate all the information you sent me. :poodle: :pray:t2:


Welcome! I invite you to look at my profile as well as others seeking the services you offer us. Wishing you many successful relationships and sits.

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Hello @Max2 thank you! Much success to you too!