Ho reviewing

I don’t know if I just can’t see where to do this or if it does not exist. When searching for a sit I still see the ones that are reviewing? If they are close for applications is there a way to filter them out?
And also is there a way just see your current applications

Welcome @3760057
Not aware of any way to filter those sits under review I’m afraid.
You can see your current applications in your inbox (main site and clicking your profile top right).

Thank you for your help. I found it after all.
I think THS needs to upgrade the APP and add more filters to make it easy for sitters and HO

Optimism! Bless your heart, we all would love to see changes. Keep asking! Maybe… Eventually…?

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@MissChef Glad to see you back, where have you been? Are you a Brit in disguise with that sense of humour? :joy:

Aww, it’s nice to be missed! I got kicked off the forum for a month for being negative, so I’m spreading my brand of positivity :innocent:

Bless your heart is a thing people say in the Southern US, and it might correlate to British “expressions” in the same way :wink:


Welcome back @MissChef - after a couple of warnings I too am trying the ‘positive sandwich approach’ to get my points across :innocent::zipper_mouth_face:

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Ooohhhh. So nice to have you and your dry sense of humour, sharp wit and smart brain :brain: back with us @MissChef #wevemissedyou


@Twitcher @MissChef now I don’t feel so special. I thought I was thinking I was the only one who got a rap on the knuckles


:person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand: Not alone ladies :laughing::person_raising_hand:


It seems that this forum has a very big naughty step and most of the biggest contributors have been there at some point :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I have also been there on other forums. Also for “negativity” (which many times was for trying to help others who had problems with some other user interface).

I must say that at no other forum I have had so much contact with moderators. And that I have come to like them! They are in a situation where they need to deal with conflicting demands.



@Timshazz @Twitcher @Silversitters @ziggy @MissChef

This post has gone off-topic, but just to clarify any member who receives an official warning from the Forum Admin Team has breached the Community Guidelines and Forum Posting Terms that all members agree to when using the forum.

This is never something that the team takes lightly but our priority is the safety and health of the whole forum, that’s why all members need to abide by the Community Guidelines and Posting Terms.

Thank you for helping keep the forum a place to safely share peer-to-peer questions and receive community support. The forum Team are always here to support our members, please feel free to reach out to us via DM at any time.

As this post has gone off-topic and the OP found the help they needed several days ago the post will now be closed.