Hi! I’m Piolo. Completely new at this. Well… not as new as three days ago. I already got my first rejection and my first conversation with a HO. Looking forward to start this amazing journey. Been reading some of you and your stories are inspiring. Cheers!
@Piolo welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting your first conversation with a pet parent/owner. That’s a big step and just the beginning of this great journey ahead of you where you will find so much happiness and fulfillment in taking care of special pets around the world!
I see you have already linked your member profile to your forum profile so that is awesome! You are doing everything right!
I’m not sure if you have gone into the blog section and found lots of great information but House sitter guidelines for happy house sitting stays | TrustedHousesitters.com is a great place to start in making sure you have all the right info in place.
Here on the forum, you are going to find a wealth of knowledge from other members who are more than willing to help answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can also click on the spyglass at the top of the page and type in anything you might want help with as well.
We are all here to help make your experience a great one so feel free to reach out whenever you need help, and also, make sure you post pics of your adventures so we can all share your excitement!
YAY! Thank you very much for your kind message.
I truly appreciate it. Yes, I’ve been doing my homework and have read lots of interesting posts that I’ve found really helpful. We’ll keep in touch. FluffyFurry hugs to you, all!!!
Hi Piolo and welcome to this wonderful world, although you’re not completely new to house and pet sitting but new to THS.
Your profile is fabulous and the pictures are just wonderful. What an interesting person you are. I have no doubt you’ll be snapped up time and time again!
Are you planning to pet sit just in Mexico or hoping to travel internationally?
I hope the conversation with your prospective first THS sit goes well. Do let us know!
Oh, Sheryl, thank you very much for your kind words. Talking about profiles… yours is AMAZING! All that love in your reviews!!!
Congrats. Looking forward to follow your example.
I’m hoping to meet and take care of furry friends internationally. USA, Spain and hopefully lots of other places. The conversation went… ok…
But it was just written… Hadn’t made it to the Zoom or FaceTime phase. But I’ll get there. And let you know.
Have an awesome weekend and lovely holidays!!!
Welcome @Piolo. Your profile is great - entertaining and enjoyable to read while telling pet owners lots about you and your experience. I do love those photos of you striking to same pose / expression as the pets!
Oh, Debbie, thank you very much!!! The greatest part is that the pets are the ones posing like me, not the other way around!!! Nice to meet you! Have a great weekend.
Hi @Piolo - Welcome to your new petsitting adventure and well done on securing a conversation with a home host - it seems that you have been doing all the right things t get going, good luck!
As I said, you’ll have no problems and thank you for your kind words back. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Mexico and, a an American housesitter who was recently sitting next door to my housesit in the UK is now about to start a housesit in Mexico City so I’m following his exploits!
A written conversation is a good start!
Hi @Piolo. Welcome. I saw your profile and loved the energy. It really shows that you are a thoughtful and kind pet companion. At least you’ve got your first rejection behind you, and now you can move on to great sits and wonderful friendships!
Hello, @Colin ! Thanks for this message and for all the help you provide in the posts for us newbies. I’ve been reading you and learning. Greetings to you and Karyo!
Oh, @Harris2 , than you very much for the feedback! It gives me hope and made me smile. Hugs for you both, Susan & Alan!!!
Mexico City (mostly my neighborhood and a couple others) is becoming a hot spot for digital nomads and tourists and other travelers. Nowadays it seems like an American extension… some times… sort of… Everyday I listen to conversations in English in restaurants and in the street, which is so fun and different than in the past! It’s a… BIG city… with all de awesome and awful things big cities have. Hope you come by some time.
How could I not?
Hi @Piolo and welcome to the forum. As others have said your profile is great full of energy and enthusiasm. I would love you to look after my three cats here in the UK will send you an invite.
What a lovely gesture. Hope it works out
Update: Following all the advice, I’ve been trying to start locally, but didn’t imagine HOW TRENDY IS MEXICO NOWADAYS!!! As soon as I receive an alert of a house sit in Mexico City or San Miguel de Allende or wherever in the country, I go to the site and there are already 5 applicants and the possibility is closed. Anyways… will keep trying. Thank you all for the help and letting me being part of this helpful full-of-oxytocin-generating-furry-friends- community.
It was! Right? I hope it as well
Hey, @CambridgeAnnie ! Thanks a lot for the support. I’d be glad to take care to those Beyond Beautiful BBB cats at your lovely house. For me is almost unimaginable to have no wall-to-wall to neighbors and to have so green and spacious surroundings. Hope our calendars work out. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Cheers!!!
Hello @Piolo and a belated welcome to the Community Forum
I just had a peruse of your profile… looks great and you have some great photos on there too.
How are you getting on with your applications and sits now?