Host cancelled sit three days before it starts

Hi everyone,
If a sit is cancelled by host within a few days of the sit, is sitter entitled to any benefit/money from THS? I’m sure I’m not, but I don’t really have a place to stay for the next couple of weeks. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks.

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That sucks - If you have the premium membership then yes but otherwise unfortunately no.

You should report the homeowner to THS unless they had an extenuating circumstance. That’s what many people on this forum advocate for when it’s the other way around.

I imagine if you are asking this question, you probably don’t have premium membership or you would probably know about the cancellation coverage feature, but just in case…

You can be reimbursed for accommodation expenses–meaning you would need to lay out costs and submit a claim-- up to a certain amount if a sit is cancelled with less than two weeks notice. There are certain conditions however, such as the accommodation needing to be within a certain distance from where the sit was to take place.

But other than that, THS cannot do anything for you. One of the most important things to realize about the site is at the core, they are a platform designed to connect people looking for a service with those willing to provide it, and at the end of the day, there is minimal involvement on their part in these exchanges. This means they can do little about many of the most common issues people are likely to encounter here, like a cancellation.

With so many listings and so many last minute sits being posted all over, hopefully you can find something else for at least part of the time. Sorry about the cancellation and good luck!

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if you have the premium benefit you may be entitled to up to 150$ a day for the duration of the sit. But you might have to provide receipts for your alternative accommodations

Thanks for the responses, and I figured (since I don’t have premium membership) that that was the deal. And it’s ok… I’ve found another sit, and all is ok. Was just curious. Good to know! Thanks again.


@Jcat33 - Glad to know that you have found another sit to replace the one that was cancelled …well done

For anyone in future that is reading this thread here is a link to the sit cancellation plan that Premium members have included in their membership

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out of curiosity where was this location?
how hard was it to find a replacement?

Denver….lots of THS activity here, luckily!

And, I haven’t found replacement for the entire ten days yet, but I should be able to cobble a few sits together, plus a couple of nights at a friend’s house…

Luckily it wasn’t a far flung destination with not much else available!


Is this becoming more common that HO cancels last minute? We’ve been cancelled today for Saturday and now don’t have anywhere for two weeks. Their excuse was a friend is getting divorced??? I mean if your making that your excuse at least say it’s you that getting divorced.

I don’t have premium so not covered.

I’ve applied for four last minute sits for the weekend today and ten hours in not one has answered my application (only one is read but still not replied). I understand people may have a Plan B in place but it’s common courtesy to withdraw your advert or answer the person who has taken the time to apply especially when the start date is imminent.


Does the PO have to provide proof to cancel the sit with extraordinary circumstances ?

Many have mentioned Premium coverage. However
Only covers accommodations within 20 miles
$150/night if approved
$150 “contribution fee” per incident
Need screen shots of comma why it was cancelled
Many loop holes for THS and their third party partner not to pay.

I am in same situation three days before next sit. While Joshua Tree can be lovely. I counted on her AC POOL AND PUP for some rest and cool while. There for 4 nights. Now I have to stay IN JOSHUA TREE within 20 miles in the Mojave desert - won’t ever take a sit like this again - it was between sits and ended badly. Scrambling for a place to stay and really don’t want to stay in JT 120F during the day. Or go elsewhere and not submit. Word to the wise. Good luck.


We’ve just had exactly the same experience & have posted details on another thread to you @WheresBabZ . We used the cancellation insurance on premium, submitted all docs, made the claim successfully and are now on another sit. It’s 40 degrees :hot_face: here too and was Bayram/Eid holidays when the sit cancelled with most of the country on leave. It was stressful but in the end it worked like a dream. #superimpressed #tsandcsapply

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@WheresBabZ I watched some of your YouTube videos which you have attached the link to your profile here. You have travelled the world and no doubt had numerous occasions where you needed to read the T’s & C’s of any policy or anything at all that you are committing/agreeing to. Netflix, travel insurance, airlines, energy companies, phone companies, medical, even those wonderful cruise ships you went on, and your tenancy agreements etc etc etc all have conditions, why would you expect THS to be any different?? The information is all clearly written on the website and it is your responsibility to read and agree to the terms before signing up, on THS or anywhere. It was your choice to choose a level of cover and you chose the Premium membership without reading what was included and not included in that plan. Phone dropouts could have been caused by a number of things and you honestly can’t blame the site for that, what’s to say that it wasn’t your phone fault or a bad area or any number of possibilities. You need to take responsibility for this one I’m afraid.

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Thank you. I need to take responsibility for a host cancelling 3 days before the sit??? Appreciate your understanding and support.

I understand your frustration and anger at being cancelled on, anybody would feel that way and I’m really sorry this has happened to you. But my post is about the fact that you are really going to town about the THS premium membership, in depth, on this and another topic, and that is what I mean by taking responsibility for, the need to be sure about reading PDS’s etc before committing to anything, anywhere. Good luck for it all, everything works out in the end, if it doesn’t, it’s not the end :ok_hand:

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Sorry but I had to laugh at this! :slight_smile: