I just cant find a sitter and have looked for a month

I’ve been trying to find a sitter for my lovely house on the Sussex coast. I have a dog, cat and Leopard Tortoises and it’s a big house by the sea. I’m getting so worried it’s only 8 days while we go on a long awaited holiday to France. People either don’t answer, have children (not a child proof house) or are busy. It’s getting late now! I don’t know what to do. Please can someone help? TIA

Edited to remove sit dates as per the Community Rules

Have you created a listing? If you attach it to your name here in the forum, people will give you feedback about it and, possibly, what might be missing to help you attract sitters. Reaching out via invite to sitters rarely works. How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile

As it’s a last minute sit now, you can also post it here in the forum.


You have posted a listing haven’t you? Invites rarely work. Sitters will apply if they can do the dates.


Hello @hyamsl & welcome. Think we’ve found your sit although it has August dates so still a month away to find someone (but it’s big on leopard tortoises and near the beach so think it’s you guys). Looks nice & you have some good reviews. Change the cover photo to one of the beach to draw sitters in, detail the walk times and lengths for your JR & how long your pup can be left alone, sleeping arrangements too in the responsibilities. You say the tortoises are a lot of work which isn’t very appealing to an unpaid sitter. Is that accurate? Too many repeat photos, move up the living room, bedroom, two of the garden and a bathroom and then two pics per pet is plenty. Try those tips as a refresh and pause and relist & you may be lucky! #tortoisetastic


you’re amazing @Cuttlefish


I’d looove to look after a tortoise some day!
Can’t find your sit though.

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Thanks @Gabba that’s a very kind thing to say! :hugs: #happysaturday

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To be honest I’m just not technical! I’m the Filofax and house phone era! I have my listing but I was told to reach out to sitters then told not to!
I just don’t get it! I tried to post on the last minute and was told I’m not allowed to…??? I do not understand. Pease can someone help and explain in simple terms what I should do. TIA

okay, thank you. Ill’ try. i do keep changing the cover photos and had the beach one on for a few days. Not sure how to pause but will keep going.

  • I don’t even understand how to use this forum!

Edited to remove listing. Listing appears in member’s forum profile.

Totally understand how stressful it must be. I think your sit looks very appealing - a beautiful location, cute animals, and you’ve had great sitters in the past who have left lovely reviews.

The first dates in August are in the school holidays. There are lots of HomeOwners looking for Sitters at that time, so you may be up against quite a lot of competition.

It certainly doesn’t do any harm to reach out to Sitters but, as you’ve found, they are often not available. Perhaps someone here in the forum will see it and be interested.

When the sit becomes ‘within seven days’ you can post it here in the forum again in the ‘Last Minute Sit’ category. I don’t think there’s very much else you can do via THS.

I wish you the very best of luck.

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Thank you for your encouragement. I have to say I’m getting quite worried I’ll have to cancel my very log awaited holiday. I’ll keep at it though. regards

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Your home and pets look lovely. I just favorited your listing in hopes that I can help you next Summer when I have some time on my calender still open. (Many of my regulars coordinate their travels with mine.) Good luck. I really hope you find someone wonderful soon.


@hyamsl I think your sit sounds lovely and you have such glowing reviews. Congratulations in showing yourselves to be gracious hosts. :clap:t2:

Some roadblocks I see:

  • Some couples want larger than a double bed. As you’re allowing access to the main house is there an option for a larger bed?

  • You should mention how long the sitters can be away from the home.

  • You should mention where the pets sleep, especially if it’s in the bedroom and no flexibility on that.

  • If you think your home could be family friendly then add that. You can always add in limitations as in, for example, one child only and over X years old.


@Snowbird Thank you so much I’m going to re write today :slight_smile:

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@andrealovesanimals Ahh thank you! I’m finally getting the hang of this and hopefully you can see my post. I’ve re written the whole thing and taken on board the advice of others. Please see what you think.

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@Shella_in_the_Forum thank you so much. I’ve re written it now so hopefully…