Hi Lily,
That sounds like a nice trip! Years ago we did a trip straight up the coast in a rented RV. We bumped our heads more times than I could count. I am always so sorry to hear when someone has this dreaded illness. I really wouldn’t wish it on anyone. However, it is always nice to know there is someone out there that gets it. I always forget I have it when I am shopping in bed and keep buying stuff I plan on doing, but never do it, because…who was I kidding. I got let go in June last year from a job of 15 years because I messed up my FMLA time. Since then I have been trying to get disability and we have been spending my retirement. Lying here just over a year has caused me to become deconditioned. That is when I decided I was NOT going to waste the rest of my life just lying here. I am going to get out and see the world. It may hurt and I may cry but that is way better than apathy! Thanks for the note. It is always nice to hear from someone who understands.
Take care also,
PS. The very best part of that RV trip was Olympic National Forest!
Hey Everyone!!!
Just wanted you to know we had the most successful EAA event yet! It was fun listening to the jets flying over our house. We had 658 K people here in our little town. We had a bad storm on Sat. before it started. It caused power outages and some planes were damaged, but everyone was safe. After that, it was gorgeous all week. We didn’t get rain again until it was all over. Thanks for the replies and pictures! Hope everyone is having an excellent summer!
Thanks for the update @KerryME and what a shame about the storm! Sounds like it all turned out good though. Any photos?
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Good day! I like tip
Loved it too @Angela_L but had to be content watching it on the small screen flying home to Oz!