Hello everyone! I just signed up and will pay when I have $$! I think this is a great idea! I love animals of all types and getting to travel and take care of and love animals is awesome! I am married, old (54), and think getting to see the wonders of our world before I can no longer function is a splendid plan. I have fibromyalgia and “they” tell me it is progressive, but I have figured out through experience that lying around feeling sorry for myself with little purpose or goals is going to make progress way too fast for my taste. So, I have decided that every penny I obtain will go toward travel. Getting furry love will be such a purpose for me to persue. I look forward to my first sit, whenever that hppens! Nice to meet you all.
Hello @KerryME and welcome to the community forum. We love your thinking, we live to travel too with the added bonus we get to look after lots of furry & not so furry friends along the way!
Ahh yes we know Oshkosh, having a hubby as a retired airline pilot & numerous aviation friends who are also still pilots or retired pilots. One of our friends is hoping to fly in to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh so hopefully we will join him if he does. Should be fun!
I love driving by on the freeway and seeing how packed the field is when it is just grass or snow the rest of the year.
Hi @KerryME. Thank you for joining our forum, a friendly community of pet sitters and owners. I’m glad you found us.
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TrustedHousesitters and our members are creating a great community, helping each other have unique travel experiences and keeping pets happy at home. We’re glad you’re part of the community.
All the best,
Karen E
Hello and a warm welcome @KerryME and nice to meet you too !! I have to say you piqued my curiosity, and knowing @Samox24 's flight connections, I figured a strong association with aircraft must be very key to Oshkosh!
Of course, Google helped me find the answer:
Oshkosh is probably best known for OshKosh B’Gosh, a manufacturer of overalls, adult work clothing, and children’s clothing founded in 1895. Oshkosh is also home to the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, the world’s largest airshow. The airshow is held at Wittman Regional Airport, named for Oshkosh aviator S.J. Wittman (1904-1995), pilot and small aircraft designer.
What fascinating history you have ! For anyone else interested here’s a little insight:
Do you go to the show or just watch the planes overhead?
I used to love visiting the Farnborough Airshow in the UK in my younger years where we saw some wonderful displays! That’s on in a week’s time 22nd July this year… and they open one day to the public.
Thanks again for my morning Google discovery moments and hope we are soon welcoming you to the house sitting fold! All the best, Vanessa
@Vanessa_A @KerryME talking of air shows I thought you might like to see a few photos from todays Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. What a fantastic day!
The awesome Red Arrows!
Me with Sally B, which was used in the 1990 film Memphis Belle as one of five flying B-17’s needed for various film scenes, and it was used to replicate the real Memphis Belle in one scene.
An F-86 Sabre, one of America’s iconic Cold War Jet Fighters.
The two photos above are of South Korea’s Black Eagles, their aerobatic display team.
The United States Air Force E-4B, this is the first time the aircraft has appeared at an airshow outside the USA
This photo just reminded me of a film I watched recently at the cinema! This is actually an F-16 but in the new Top Gun movie the main aircraft are F-18’s although Tom does steal an old F-14 in it which was the jet they used in the first Top Gun!
As an added bonus I thought you might like to see these three photos we dug out of the photo album! The first photo shows my hubby John (the one on the right) with Spike Jepson during his first tour with the Red Arrows in 1997.
The second photo shows his companion Mark Zanker and Simon Sisnott in the back seat who Spike and John were in formation with reaching the apex of a loop before being inverted somewhere over Lincolnshire.
The third photo is a photo from the rear seat taken by John whilst Spike took them through the low level circuit in the Welsh mountains. John flew it over from Scampton to Wales and also took it around the low level route once there. Happy days!
My goodness, @Samox24 what an extraordinary experience!! Your photos are spectacular. Talk about thrilling - it truly seems like a real “Top Gun” (I heard the new film is terrific, BTW.)
This is one of the many benefits being here on the Forum. Armchair travel at its highest level. Thank you for sharing.
@KarenS you are very welcome
Hi @Samox24 amazing photos and to think all I had fly over my house this afternoon was a helicopter … Seriously it looks like an amazing day out, in the sunshine too, thank you for taking us on a tour of your day and photo album …
BTW what did you & John think of the new movie?
@Angela_L we absolutely loved it and it was so good we thought we might go and see it again tomorrow!
I’ve not seen it yet and of course it needs to be watched on the big screen …
@Angela_L the big screen is a must for this one!
@Angela_L apparently Tom Cruise has just made a surprise appearance at Fairford today for day 2 of the Royal International Air Tattoo, I cannot say I am surprised!
Thanks so much for sharing @Samox24 - what a great day that must have been. Is an F16 a Harrier Jet? I remember when they first made an appearance at Farnborough… it was amazing to see a plane land and take off vertically and then do a little “nod” to the audience!! My Ian had the chance to fulfil a goal some years back and was taken up in a Czech L39 - he says it’s one of the most exhilarating things he’s ever done! We’re also waiting for a big screen opportunity to watch Top Gun and hopefully in English not French
@Vanessa_A you are very welcome.
No an F-16 is not a Harrier Jet. The Harriers were originally designed by the British as a vertical take off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. They were used by The Royal Air Force & The Royal Navy and saw active service in the Falklands War. It was decommissioned by the British and sold to the Americans who I think still fly them now.
The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multi role fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force.
Ahh yes I’m sure he must have loved it, always great fun.
Enjoy the film once you get the chance, you will both love it I’m sure!
@Vanessa_A We have been to the show, but we cannot afford to go every time. I sure missed the planes in 2020! Right now I couldn’t walk around too much, so I haven’t done much of anything. My fibro has really been uncooperative this summer!
Aww I hope you get some respite soon … take care!
Hey Kid, yes you @KerryME, you are in for a wild extraordinary ride. Live your best life as long as you have breath!
Welcome! sounds like you are most definitely in the right place.
Thank you for that, it made my day!!!
Hi Kerry, I have Fibro, too, for the past 10 years. What I love about TH is that we are able to create trips that work within my limits, like road trips, or short flights, etc. We recently house sat in Hood River, OR and then in Edmonds, WA while road tripping thru both states (yay Tesla!). It was fun and being in the car meant we could stop whenever and wherever I needed a break,and I could have pillows and comfort items along. I hope you have good experiences as well. Take care. Lily